Alternative Learning Experiences Mitch Thompson, OSPI, 360-725-6306 OSPI
Key Items in Rules Local oversight/accountability. Role of certificated teacher. Contact time requirements—better accommodate digital/online learning. Method for enrollment reporting. Monthly progress reviews. Assessment requirements. Part-time enrollment. Program evaluation requirements OSPI
Requirements Section 1—Introduction/Definitions Certificated teacher requirements Part-time enrollment Section 2—School Board Policy Adopt and annually review policy for each ALE program Written student learning plan (WSLP) Identification of staffing ratio Teacher oversight of student performance Weekly contact requirements Monthly review of student progress Designation of responsible staff Annual reporting ‘Reimbursement’ policy OSPI
Requirements Section 3—Implementation Standards Special education Responsibility for essential learning resources—Instructional materials approval Work-based learning Contracting for ALE Disclosure of enrollment status Verification of student work Accreditation OSPI
Requirements Section 4—Written Student Learning Plan Each student must have a written plan. Teacher holds responsibility and accountability for plan and for student learning. Must include: Beginning and ending dates Estimate of average hours per week to accomplish plan Description of weekly contact Description of learning requirements Identification of instructional materials Description of timelines and methods for evaluating student progress Identify EALRs/district academic goals; specification of whether experience meets graduation requirements. OSPI
New Requirements Section By Section Section 5—Enrollment Reporting Based on monthly progress reviews. If student progress is satisfactory, report estimated average weekly hours identified in plan. If progress is not satisfactory, in subsequent month student must log hours. If progress in subsequent month is not satisfactory, report actual hours from log. Usual enrollment exclusions apply (i.e.: 20 day absences) Program must document district of physical residence for nonresident students; must also establish procedures for coordinating student counting for state funding. OSPI
Requirements Section 6—Accountability for Student Performance Monthly progress review by certificated teacher. Review must involve direct personal contact. Teacher must document whether or not student is making satisfactory progress. If student is not progressing, must establish intervention plan. If student continues to struggle, must change learning plan. Annual assessments for all ALE students. OSPI
Requirements Section 7—Program Evaluation Requires periodic evaluation to measure effectiveness of student learning and achievement. Continuous improvement model. Requirement may be implemented via school improvement planning efforts. Section 8—Annual Reporting to OSPI Types of programs and course offerings. Student headcount and FTE. Ratio of FTE student to FTE CIS. ALE provided via contract. The first annual report was due 6/30/06. OSPI
Requirements Section 9—Documentation Must maintain records for audit (minimum 3 years): Board policy Annual reports to school board and to OSPI Written Student Learning Plans Student progress reviews, evaluations and assessments Student enrollment detail substantiating FTE reported to state for basic education funding OSPI
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