Data Component Scoping Meeting Vu Anh Tuan, Vietnam Data Component Scoping Meeting GFOI Plenary, Bogotá, Thursday 15th March 2018 @GFOI_FOREST GFOI.ORG GFOI1
Vietnam REDD+ in Vietnam: NFMS: for government MRV UN-REDD Vietnam Programme, phase 2: a project run by MARD Seems No NFMS and MRV procedures for REDD+ in Vietnam NFMS: for government Each 5 years (one cycle), done by FIPI (Forest Inventory and Planning Institute) MRV Forest monitoring has been doing by Forest Ranger, but base on the statistical data rather than map Key capacity building partner: FIPI, and may be forest ranger Pleased add country name in white text (remove text in title). @GFOI_FOREST GFOI.ORG GFOI1
Data & Tools Describe the data and tools currently in use in your NFMS and MRV procedures, and the outputs they produce Have used remote sensing data for forest mapping for more than 20 years Data used: Landsat, SPOT (for last 15 years), VNREDSat1 (Vietnam’s optical satellite) Product: Forest map Method of information extraction Products: forest map, forest volume Forest Inventory for forest volume (cubic meter per hectare), not the Biomass estimates No specific tools for accessing and processing data DUPLICATE SLIDE TO DISCUSSS ADDITIONAL TOOLS, AS NECESSARY 1995 2005 2015 visual interpretation Digital classification Object-based classification @GFOI_FOREST GFOI.ORG GFOI1
Vietnam-specific flowchart Acquisition By RSD, MONRE Pre-Processing Delivery and Analysis By FIPI, MARD Forest map Present forest map Land use map Present Land use map, not the land use change product Ground data By FIPI Integration Reporting and Verification By FIPI ? Please nominate the various tools, datasets, methods or other processes that you use during the different phases of your MRV system. Pleased add country name in white text. @GFOI_FOREST GFOI.ORG GFOI1
Flowchart summary @GFOI_FOREST GFOI.ORG GFOI1 Tools necessary: Open Data Cube: now Vietnam release Vietnam Data Cube (6th March). Other? VDC is now operated by VNSC (Vietnam National Space Center) with collaboration with FIPI (MOU signed) VDC team: 5 staff of VNSC, but not full time work for VDC VDC is supported by: CEOS; CSIRO (software and technical expert); JAXA (data and technical expert); CNES (expert and algorithm); IMSG (Hardware); UMD (algorithm) @GFOI_FOREST GFOI.ORG GFOI1
Flowchart summary Hardware of VDC: Applications of VDC 1 head node, 1 login node, 7 compute nodes (each: 16 core 2.2GHz, 64GB RAM), 40Gb/s Infiniband Interconnect network Full redundant parallel storage – LustreFS: 195TB, max read/write speed: 1.9GB/s Total storage capacity (including work, home, local): ~ 220TB Can be expanded to hundreds of compute nodes, hundreds of TBs of storage Applications of VDC Forest monitoring: in collaboration with FIPI, CNES, CSIRO Rice monitoring: in collaboration with University of Maryland; CESBIO/CNES Water management: in collaboration with CSIRO VDC for forest monitoring: Forest change (forest loss and deforestation) yearly based on sentinel (1 and 2) data Forest change analysis: for 30 years based on Landsat data Future: forest monitoring application of VDC can be used for biomass estimation based on ALOS-2 data and LOTUSat data Capacity building of VDC: need for FIPI @GFOI_FOREST GFOI.ORG GFOI1
What comes next . @GFOI_FOREST GFOI.ORG GFOI1 The gaps: VDC staff has limited understanding/knowledge about REDD+, procedure, standard, workflow.. Make VDC to be (or part of) NFMS; also MRV (for monitoring and estimation); Verification and improvement the algorithm of forest monitoring; Connect the RS data with ground data Planned activities or training courses: FIPI will provide ground data to VNSC for verification forest monitoring system of VDC (detail will be discussed at meeting 10th Apr.) VNSC will give training course for FIPI staff: use VDC for forest monitoring before end of 2018 So far, there is no specific plan to use REDDcompass to identify and communicate these needs to international partners for support in addressing these needs. However, VDC need to be trained necessary knowledge about REDD+ and also need the experience exchange with other relevant Open Data Cube such as Colombia and Taiwan . @GFOI_FOREST GFOI.ORG GFOI1
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