Gender of the 21st Century By: Kelly Larson
Gender Issues In Our World Even as our world has evolved for many centuries, we still have issues that are effected by our gender. I’m going to focus on a few of the issues that are still present in our world today; which include the differences in gender roles, the LGBT community, and the fight to end hate speech.
“Join me in affirming the vitality of our LGBTQ communities “Join me in affirming the vitality of our LGBTQ communities.” “Join me, with raised voices, in proclaiming that the exploitation of women’s bodies is not who we are.” “Join me in decrying hate speech, slurs and epithets whenever and wherever they are uttered.”
“We are not perverse. We are not broken. We are not sick “We are not perverse. We are not broken. We are not sick. We are not freaks. We cannot change who we are. Our gender identities are as innate as anyone else’s.” This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Women This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY A “malcriada” is a woman who will not behave and is determined to do what she wants, regardless of what society rules or even good sense dictates. A “malcriada” has the inspiration to push limits and break barriers.
“It was time to funnel my anger to make a change “It was time to funnel my anger to make a change.” “We are all part of this larger family, & we are here to help one another.” This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Statistics L.G.B.T. people are twice as likely to be targeted as African-Americans, and the rate of hate crimes against them has surpassed that of crimes against Jews. Nearly a fifth of the 5,462 so-called single-bias hate crimes reported to the F.B.I. in 2014 were because of the target’s sexual orientation. However, a recent report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics found that most crimes are not reported to the police, and those that are reported are frequently not classified as hate crimes by local jurisdictions.
Reinforce and challenge gender stereotypes. Being different doesn’t mean being unequal. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
Works Cited Quotes About Cultural Differences to Broaden Your Mind. By Alina. Web. Bonner, John. "Will You Join Me?" (2016): n. pag. Web. Grimm, Gavin . “I’m transgender and can’t use the student bathroom. The Supreme Court could change that.”. (2016): n. pag. Web. George, Diana, and John Trimbur. Reading Culture: Contexts for Critical Reading and Writing. 8th ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2012. Print. Cooper-Harris, Tracey. “Why Marriage Matters...It's About Family”. (2014): n. pag. Web. PARK, HAEYOUN, and IARYNA MYKHYALYSHYN. “L.G.B.T. People Are More Likely to Be Targets of Hate Crimes Than Any Other Minority Group”. (2016): n. pag. Web.