Retelling Strategies Taking notice of feeling as you read. Readers notice when they get a feeling as they read. Pay attention to when you get a feeling. Such as “Hey, that’s funny – What a silly thing to do.” Making Predictions while you read Readers notice when they are predicting as they think “Why did she do that?” “I didn’t expect this to happen.” or “Why is she in trouble?” Envision – Make a picture in your mind. When readers envision the text, they make a picture in their minds. Sometimes you can even envision the smell, the taste and the feel of details at that moment in the story. Pay attention to what is confusing. Readers pay attention to when they are confused. It’s really important to notice when something is confusing for you. Mind clues might be, “Wait a second…I’m not sure what just happened.” Readers question things that happen. Careful readers sometimes have questions about the story or characters they read about. Some questions can be found by re-reading the text but others, rely on your schema.