Aim: How does the savagery demonstrated in this chapter sacrifice civilization? Do Now: Why do you think the boys enjoy retelling the story of killing the pig? (Chapter 4)
Is killing the pig essential to the survival of the group?
Even though Ralph and Piggy are angry with Jack and the hunters because they let the fire go out, they still join in on the feast. Why? Do you think they should have?
WRITING ACTIVITY Prompt: If you were Ralph, what would you address in the assembly at the end of Chapter Four, going into Chapter Five? (Look back to pages 74-75) On loose-leaf paper, in at least 2 paragraphs (5-6 sentences each), write a mini-speech that would win over the boys.
READ-ALOUD Begin reading Chapter 5. Homework AND Vocabulary #5 are due FRIDAY April 9, 2010. Masks are due TOMORROW! Be prepared to present your masks.
Aim: How can a mask shape someone’s identity? Do Now: Take out your mask and written portion. Take out Homework #5
Whose side are you on? Ralph? Jack? Piggy? ……
How does Chapter 5 show the continuing breakdown of the island’s society?
How does Piggy feel about fear How does Piggy feel about fear? More specifically the fear some of the boys have of the beast?
FEAR Brainstorm any fears the boys might have while stranded on the island. Which are the most serious/threatening fears? Why? If you were on the island, what would you fear most? Why?
Aim: What is sanity? Do Now: What is the most defining moment of Chapter Five? Why? (In 1 paragraph, 5-6 sentences) Choose a passage/line that describes this moment. Write this in your notebook!
How is sanity amongst the boys suddenly disappearing? Why do you think the boys are physically and mentally falling apart?
MIDTERM EXAM IS ON TUESDAY!!! Fill out the Study Guide… Review is on MONDAY… be prepared to ask questions.
Aim: Will the boys find the beastie? Do Now: If you could send a message to the boys, what would you say?
What is the sign that came down from the world of grownups?
How does Ralph feel through out this chapter How does Ralph feel through out this chapter? What do his actions tell you about his character? Look back at the text!
How does Simon feel about the beast in this chapter? What does he see?
How will the other boys react to the beast How will the other boys react to the beast? Will Simon be able to convince them otherwise?
Describe the confrontation that takes place between Ralph and Jack in this chapter. What would it take for Ralph to cross over to Jack’s side? For Jack to cross over to Ralph’s side?
How does the author show the continuous breakdown of civility How does the author show the continuous breakdown of civility? Are they becoming more savage?