Kite activity and discussion Getting to Know You Kite activity and discussion
The Power of Story Telling Our stories make up who we are. Our lives are told in bits of memory and recollection- we are constantly writing our own autobiographies with every action and every thought. Think about some of the big stories of your life. Which events have shaped you or changed you? If your life were a movie, which parts would be the best? Worst? Most memorable?
Table Discussion Think about the following questions and jot down some of your ideas. Which stories do I remember most from my childhood? Why? Which stories do I find myself retelling often? Why? Which stories inspire me? Why? Which stories haunt me? Why? Which stories have taught me lessons about family values, ethics, and morals? How? Which stories are my most important memories? Why?
Table Discussion Starting with person #2, go around your table and share your response to ONE of these questions. Make sure everyone has a chance to talk and everyone has a chance to listen. When you finish your discussion, think to yourself about the responses you heard. Why are our stories and memories so important to us?
Kite Activity Direction Sheet This discussion will set you up to start your first assignment. Look over the activity sheet provided. You will receive directions and time to brainstorm before you begin. You will have time in class to put this together and on Friday we will complete a presentation activity.
Presentation Activity- Tables With your completed kite, you will share your four stories with your table group. Starting with person #4, go around the table and share the following: Your four stories Why you chose them Why you represented them as you did on your kite
Presentation Activity- Class Next, choose ONE story from your kite to share with the class. You can just share from your seat. In your quick share, answer these questions: What is the story? What does it mean to you?