proyecto: memorización de los números más difíciles Señora villalobos
¿Qué? a repetition tool to aid in the memorization of the top 10 most difficult numbers this tool will be presented to the class on Tuesday followed by a quiz/learning check you will give to the class after your presentation ideas/types of “tools” song rap chant rhyme video/short movie skit puppet show these things can be recorded and played during class on Tuesday or performed in class and recorded that day
Selección de los números select the top 10 most difficult numbers they can be... consecutive related all hundred, all irregular, all include the number 9 random
Compañero o no You may chose to work with a partner or not No more than two people may work together Positives of working with a partner more ideas and brainstorming share the work load can be more fun and creative
Otras reglas each number should be... written out and visible the spelling in Spanish should be heard at least once repeated at least 10 times
Rúbrica 40 puntos 10 - creativity & uniqueness 10 - correctness in grammar and spelling 10 - amount of work put in 5 – effectiveness Will someone who watches, listens to, or participates in this project learn and memorize the numbers more than they were able to before? 5 - organization