Common Misconceptions about SMOs The SMO is the same as Participative Management In SMOs, people are empowered and have freedom to do whatever they want SMOs are nothing new, most companies have implemented self-directed teams
Common Misconceptions about SMOs SMOs make people happy by letting them work in teams Self-management is for the shop floor or front-line workers; not for middle and senior management There is no way to ensure discipline and accountability in SMOs
Self Managing Organizations: Basic Principles Employees have knowledge, information, and skills to make all decisions that concern them Authority and responsibility for control and coordination are located as close as possible to the people doing the work
SMO: Basic Principles Authority is based on expertise and competence, not hierarchical position or status Support systems are congruent with the requirements of self-managing teams Role of management redesigned to focus on value creation for key stakeholders
Leadership & Social Climate
Effects of Leadership on Social Climate Classic Lippitt & White Experiments