Mind the Skills Gap: Creating Capacity for Data Access Richard Welpton Data Liaison Manager Cancer Intelligence
Who worked on this? Carlotta Greci, Health Foundation (Data Manager) Richard Welpton, Cancer Research UK (Data Liaison Manager, Cancer Intelligence) Christine Woods, UK Data Service (Senior Support Officer)
Context: we need data! As researchers and analysts, we need to access all kinds of data from research Increasing using administrative records, often multiple linked sources Often including combined health and socio-economic data
The good, the bad, and the ugly (of data access)….. Situation has improved… Delays Poor documentation Abandoned projects Poor outcomes for society
Agreeing to make data available In principle: Data access is possible The willingness exists What are the practicalities for making data available? Who will make this happen?
What’s the problem? Not confident to make decisions Lack of investment in staff vs Staff take on much risk, receive little reward Not confident to make decisions
Understanding of research What do we expect? Efficient service Support Legally sound advice Metadata Understanding of data Understanding of research
Developing skills Data support for research/analysts: is it a profession? Staff tend to ‘fall into roles by accident’: why? Is there any professional development?
Working Group for Secure Data Access Professionals Established 2011 Working together to improve delivery of secure access to data
Will provide: Expert Career development Retention Effective Supportive Efficient Enhance skills
Thanks for listening securedatagroup.org Any thoughts or suggestions? richard.welpton@cancer.org.uk