Revenue Assurance Best Practices & Fraud Management Baltazar Ngomane 9th Telecommunications Fraud Management Revenue Assurance and Network Security 21 – 23, October 2015, Harare , October 2015, Harare Telecomunicações de Moçambique Revenue Assurance Best Practices & Fraud Management
Agenda Revenue Assurance Best Practices Why Best Practices RA Five Best Practices RA Control Points Network Audit Mediation (Gcollect) Audit Billing system Audit RA related KPIs Fraud Management 2010/2015 Fraud Incidents vs Losses Vandalism and its impact Challenges 1/17/2019
Follow Industry standards Maintain or improve data quality Why Best Practice Improve revenue Follow Industry standards Maintain or improve data quality Customer satisfaction 1/17/2019
Revenue Assurance: Five Best Practices for Success Make it a Business Priority Acquire the Proper Tools Ensure that Your Team has the Skills to Use the Tools Team with Deep Knowledge of the Data Team With a Good Imagination/attitude and creativity 1/17/2019
RA Control Points Network Audit (ANS, UT100, AXE, SS, IN) Description: A_B NUMBER analysis by technology -Incomplete A, B Numbers (Ex:21) -Extra digits (Ex: 2131510321315103, 221750125) -Invalid lenght (fixed <> 8 dígits; mobile <> 9 dígitos; internacional < 10 dígitos) Checks on the input and expected Output parameters Analyse daily , weekly and Montly reports from RA System Impact: Losses due to missing/not registered cdr’s, clocks not syncronized Mediation (Gcollect) Audit Classification, filtering of billable records , duration, Unprocessed cdr’s(Rejects ) Checks/ on the input and expected Output parameters Impact: Losses due to Rejected cdr’s, classify local call as international and vice versa. Failure on CDR’s normalization 1/17/2019
Impact: Over /under Billing (Cont.) Billing system Description: Rating validation on all services, analyse recharges and consumption on IN platform. Compare RA rating engine results and the Billing system Checks on the input and expected Output parameters Impact: Over /under Billing 1/17/2019
Showcase trends based on KPI values over the period of time Related KPIs Network Files Produced per day, Files sent to mediation Mediation Files received per day, % corrupted cdr’s, sequence break, % rejects Billing Ratio of Billed account/Active account, Billed/collection, number of billing vs complains, Rating % Billable rejects/errors in rating %Rated input/Rated Output Collection % Valid Payment/Invalid payment. Reconciliation payment 1/17/2019
Fraud Management Fraud incidents in the last 5 years Derived Lines (Continuous monitoring of hot destinations/Last incident on 2014) IP PBX hacking/IRSF (Traffic to known Hot destination are detected within 1 day ) Cable theft and Vandalism Subscription Others/Internal Fraud 1/17/2019
Derived Lines The fraudsters intercept the line by parallel connection on the CCP and derive to a DP near by the rented house to make International calls for free Usually the victims are enterprises The enterprise is over charged due to the illegal use of his line by the fraudster 1/17/2019
Fraud Incidents vs Losses 1/17/2019
IP PBX Hacking Prevention To educate customers (Ip pbx owners) to be aware about pbx fraud Cut the possibility of making international calls for ISDN numbers when not necessary (if connected to VoIP) Implement Network security policies Disable all not used suplementary services on the IP PBX (DISA, Call Forwarding......) Dactivate Remote Maintenance port 1/17/2019
Unknown people dig on the cable route Vandalism Unknown people dig on the cable route 1/17/2019
The impact of vandalism Number of incidents Duration of srevice failure 1/17/2019
O Património é Nosso - TDM.mp4 Vandalism Prevention Promote campaigns to educate the Communities about the importance and the need of Optical Fiber Cable Systems passing through that areas. Radio/TV Broadcasting in local languages for OF protection. O Património é Nosso - TDM.mp4 1/17/2019
Challenges RA Fraud To recover identified revenue leakage Build internal competencies for managing RA Become proactive RA team Implementation of a Powerfull RA System (Under Survey ) Training on RA & Fraud Management Focused on new technologies Fraud The situation is more complex, due to new technologies and new service features under implementation in IN/NGN platform Much more and updated skills, Knowledge and expertise is needed to face the future Implementation of a Powerfull FMS (Under Survey ) 1/17/2019
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