This is what the parts look like Go to the next slide to start the tutorial
You’ll be saving this picture Go to the next slide
1. Go back to the slide before this one Right-click, “Save as Picture” Save to your DDP Folder “Christmas Tree”
2. Front Plane New Sketch 3. Main Menu Tools Sketch Settings Sketch Picture 4. Browse for Christmas Tree.jpg
5. Roll your mouse wheel to zoom in on one tree pattern Don’t pull the blue squares to resize the picture Click Green Checkmark under Sketch Picture
2 3 1 6. “3 Point Arc tool” 7. Click #1. Beginning of Arc #2. End of Arc #3. Middle of Arc Click ESC (Escape Key) Click Enter Key to start new ARC
8. Make sure the ends of all ARCS start off at the end of the last ARC 9. Width for all slots .31”
10. Extruded Boss/Base .31” 11. Right-click on tree Click Appearances Ball Select Body or Part 1 Pick any Green from Left menu
13. Go back to Step 2 (5th slide) Repeat the whole process, but create a different part of the tree 12. Save As “Tree 1” 14. Assemble when finished 1st slide shows what tree looks like assembled