Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Vocabulary
Baffle Verb To completely confuse
Alternate form Adjective Baffling
Benefactor Noun A person who gives money to another person or cause
Blatant Adjective Done openly and without shame
Boisterous Adjective Energetic and cheerful
Clause Noun A part of a legal document
Composure Noun The state of being in control of oneself
Alternate Form Adjective Composed
Condone Verb To tolerate behavior (usually inappropriate behavior)
Contrive Verb To create (usually something abstract) in a skilled manner
Alternate FOrm Adjective Contrived
Dapper Adjective Neat and well-groomed
Disquietude Noun A state of uneasiness or anxiety
Alternate Form Noun Quietude
Estrange Verb To turn away in feeling emotion for someone
Alternate Form Adjective Estranged
Insubstantial Adjective Lacking strength or stability
Alternate Form Adjective Substantial
Negligence Noun Failure to take proper care in doing something
Alternate Form Adjective Negligent
Protégé Noun A person who is trained by a more experienced person
Ramble Verb To talk or write at length in an aimless way
Alternate Form Noun Ramblings
Repose Verb To rest
Alternate Form Noun Repose
Sneer Verb To smile or speak in a nasty way
Alternate Form Noun Sneer
Sordid Adjective Dirty or unpleasant
Transpire Verb To happen
Unobtrusive Adjective Not attracting attention
Alternate Form Adjective Obtrusive