HYUNDAI DEALER CO-OP PACKAGE CASE STUDY: HYUNDAI DEALER CO-OP PACKAGE Objective To create high reach awareness of the Hyundai model run- out sale in the WA market amongst an in-market audience To stimulate leads, and drive inquiry through to dealers within Hyundai’s WA Dealer Co-Op Intender reach, targeting consumers with standard display units both on and off network, with VFACTS and Geo targeting applied Showcase listing performance tool, enabling WA Co-Op dealers to increase the awareness of relevant inventory via prominent placement within search results Multi Listing performance tool, enabling consumers to easily preview other relevant stock items available from the franchised dealers via an expandable drop-down within search results Solution Results The campaign delivered a 3.08 x increase in views per car listed by WA Co-Op dealers During the campaign period there was a 3.35 x increase in leads per car submitted to dealers within the WA Dealer Co- Op. Source: carsales internal data, January 2018