Product Offerings, Value Selling System & Questions VALUE PROPOSITION Product Offerings, Value Selling System & Questions A.S.Q…DON’T TELL! 11/3/2011
This presentation will review: Overview This presentation will review: EVO POS: Product Offerings “Questioning your way to a Close” – A Value Selling system
Product Offering
Product Offering
Product Offering
Product Offering
Reduces Frustration Savings/Increased Profit Points of Focus Ask Questions that Enhance Merchant’s: Valuable Time Provides Peace of Mind Reduces Frustration Savings/Increased Profit A.S.Q. Ask – Several – Questions Ask – Stupid(never) – Questions Ask – Succinct – Questions Ask – Successful – Questions “If you don’t have a selling system of your own, you will revert to the system of the buyer.” – Bunker Hunt
Value Selling Topics Current Point of Sale Total Inventory Controls Reduce Ordering cost Faster Checkout Time Greater Checkout Accuracy Eliminate Double Card Swipe Complete Reporting Capabilities Easy, Cash, Check & Credit Reconciliation Time & Attendance Profit Generating: Gift/Loyalty Program Free Gift Card Program Setup Stick with fairly simple Open ended questions then switch the pattern with “MINI-CLOSES” – ask questions that require a yes/no answer.
Point of Sale What type of POS system are you currently using / interested in? (PC or Electronic Cash Register) What services are currently integrated into your POS or would you like integrated into your new POS System? (Credit Card Processing, Gift Loyalty, etc…) Tell me about the back office features that interest you most? (Transform Inventory, Reporting, Employee Scheduling/Compensation, etc…) Tell me a little bit about how you handle Discounts, Coupons, and Promotions? How do you access your computer remotely today? If I could put credit card processing, gift cards, bar code scanning and back office controls into a single standalone terminal, this would save you time/frustration and provide you with peace of mind as well, wouldn’t you say?
Total Inventory Control Tell me about how inventory is tracked in your current system / What features are you wanting? How often do you have to update incorrect inventory records? Tell me a little bit about how you handle your specials / discounts / coupons / and promotions? How do you approach suggestive sells/explosion items? How do you want to track your inventory? If I can show you a way to handle you entire inventory simply, from the same machine, that would be great right?
Reduce Ordering Costs How does your current system help distribute/reduce costs? How many vendors can keep on file per item? Tell me a little about your purchase order process? What methods are you looking for in Vendor control/montoring? How does your current system track different vendor categories? (ie: ship times/cost) What options are you looking for considering Automatic Purchase Orders? If I can show you a process that will increase the efficiency of your orders and reduce the time it takes out of your day, that would be a huge benefit don’t you think?
Faster Checkout Times Tell me about a typical transaction and how long it takes? What are you looking for in Employee Training? How often does management have to step in to complete a sale? Wouldn’t you say that saving time at the register also saves you money and increases customer traffic? If I can “personally” train your employees to have less setbacks at checkout, could you see the benefit to your business?
Greater Checkout Accuracy How often do sales get rung up incorrectly? How do your customers respond to the sale inaccuracy? How does your system display sales? What are you looking for in checkout displays? Having a more accurate system and display would decrease frustration for you and the customer, right?
Eliminate: Double Card Swipes Tell me about how you process Double Card Swipes? Is your card reader integrated into your main terminal? Tell me about your customer’s reaction to a double swipe? How often do you have to refund a swipe or two/What are you interested in as far as protecting your business from this? If I could save time and frustration for you and your customers by eliminating double card swipes that sure would be an asset, you agree?
Complete Reporting Capabilities What exactly does your current system track as far as inventory/customers/product performance? How many different reports do you use? What reports do you want that are missing? How often do you invoice customer? How do you track seasonal Item sales? It sure would clear up where your profits are going to have a more expansive list of reporting methods, right?
Easy Reconciliation Tell me a little about your reconciliation process? Do you count your drawer at the register/What options do you want at the register? How often are you ever over/under at the end of a shift/day? Wouldn’t it be nice to see what your drawer is doing day to day? If I could give you some peace of mind about counting the drawer, as well as decrease the amount of time spent counting…. Could you see the value that adds to your business?
Time & Attendance Tell me about how you keep track of employee attendance? How often do you have employees forget to clock out at night? What type of compensation do you offer your employees? How does your current system handle employee scheduling? What are you interested in concerning Shift Plans? How convenient would it be to have your pos system track which employees are on what Shift Plan? If I can give you a way to take the frustration out of tracking employee’s schedules and compensation, would you say that would be worthwhile for your business?
Profit Generating: Gift/Loyalty Program Tell me a bit about your Gift Certificate setup? How does your system track GC’s? Do you currently have a customer loyalty program/What programs do you have an interest in? I’d like to know more about how you handle Customer Marketing? Can you currently issue and redeem gift certificates from the same terminal? It makes good sense to reward customers who frequent your business doesn’t it? If doing business today could instantly open new grounds for profit and marketing that would be great right?
Free Gift Card Program Setup Tell me about your Gift Card program? How do you want to handle Gift Cards? How much paper do you usually use in a month? How often do you offer promotional deals? What options are you interested in with Customer Promotions? Don’t you think having a gift card program would increase your revenue and your market base?
The Quantitative Close Mr. Merchant, you’ve told me that you’re looking for a system that can provide Integrated Payment Solutions, a Robust suite of Inventory Controls, and more in- depth reporting capabilities. I’ve provided all of what you’re interested in along with a multitude of features implemented to save you time and frustration. Do you see any reason why we can’t do business today? Mr. Merchant, you’ve said to me that you are in need of multiple promotional options to help with increasing store traffic, as well as Cost reducing ordering methods. I’ve provided that to you in the forms of GC’s, Customer Loyalty programs and fine tuned Automatic Purchase Order Generation options. Best of all, it’s very simple to put into effect !This is how we get started. Mr. Merchant, you’ve related to me that you want a stronger system of tracking your employees Compensation and Schedules, and increased accuracy for checkouts and shift counts. I’ve met all of these interests and have thrown in options that will increase your overall sale effectiveness in those and numerous other areas of your business. Where would you like to start?