Year 3….In brief! Celebration names… Welcome back! 3C – Harrison L for trying really hard in reading skills this week. Well done. 3B – Jude H for exceptionally effort and hardworking attitude across his subjects. 3R – Jake P for working hard this week and being helpful. 3S – Mishka M for sharing her Diwali celebration with the class. English: To understand the use and purpose of direct speech. To use direct speech in my writing. To use and apply my understanding of direct speech. Maths: I can add and subtract mentally a three digit number and ones. I can add and subtract mentally a three digit number and tens. I can solve missing number problems. Curriculum updates: IPC – Treasure Science – Animals Including Humans PSHE/P4C – I am unique! R.E – Hinduism P.E – Invasion Games French – Classroom Computing –Scratch Welcome back! Notices: Homework is due in on Wednesday. Times Tables test will be carried out on Thursday and spellings on Friday. Pupils will need their P.E. kit on Wednesday.