中国面食制作 Cooking Workshop
面食: Food Made From Flour 面 (simplified): flour (original face) 食 麵 (traditional)
制作: Making, Cooking 面食从熟制方法上可以分为蒸zheng1、煮zhu3、烙lao4、煎jian1、烤 kao3、炸zha2、焖men4等几大类型。Ways for cooking MianShi can be categorized as steaming, boiling, pan-seared, frying, roasting, deep-fried, stew Radicals: 火 (left, occasionally elsewhere) 灬 (bottom)
品种: Varieties 中国的面点小吃历史悠久,风味各异,品种繁多,主要有面条 mian4tiao2、馒头man2tou、花卷hua1juan3、油条、麻什、烧饼、饺子 jiao3zi、包子bao1zi、馄饨hun2tun1、麻花ma2hua1等… Chinese MianShi have a long history, with varied flavors, and various varieties, including noodles, steamed bread, steamed-rolls, Youtiao, Ma Shi, ShaoBian, dumplings, steamed stuffed buns, wontons, twists, etc.
步骤: Process 和面 huo2mian4: preparing the dough 发面* fa1mian4: fermentation, let the yeast to take effect in the dough 擀皮 gan3pi2: making the wraps (with a rolling pin) 包馅 bao1xian4: making the dumpling/pancake by filling the wrap 烙饼 lao4bing3: baking the pancake in a baking-pan; or 煎饺 jian1jiao3: lightly fried in a pan; fill in a cup of water; and pan-steam with lip on