I can be erect, climbing or trailing My oil has been used in perfumes for centuries I’m widely recognised as the flower of England.
I am native to the northern hemisphere My leaves are arranged spirally. 3. I am the national tree of Britain
It has just been my birthday Almost every time you post a letter you will see me I am the monarch of the United Kingdom
I am usually between 9 and 11 metres long. In Glasgow, I was orange until the late 1990s. I still give tours in London.
I am commonly seen in London I am also called a Hackney Carriage If my light is on, you can ride in me.
I am visited at least once a day and emptied. There are more than 150 designs and varieties of me, though not many survive I like to eat letters.
I am seen less and less due to the increase of my cousins that live in your pocket You need lots of change to use me, or a card You often find me in city centres
I’m also known as a Derby or a billycock I was designed to protect horse rider’s heads I used to be worn quite often by business men in suits
I once came wrapped in newspaper I am one of the most popular British takeaways You often season me with salt
I am the most widely consumed beverage in the world I came to Britain in the 1660s You might prefer coffee to me.
By the end of the 18th Century I was a common past-time in England Today I am played in more than 104 different countries around the world A game can last several days.
I may involve swords, bells, sticks and handkerchiefs You might think people look silly when they perform me I am a dance very much associated with Britain.