RBE Parent Night 2013
6th Grade Rules
Consequences for Breaking Rules Each consequence will result in the loss of conduct points. 1st – Warning (-4) 96/A 2nd 1 day silent lunch (-4) 92/A 3rd 3 days silent lunch (-4) 88/B 4th Parent will be contacted (-10) 78/B 5th Office referral (-20) 58/D 6th Second office Referral (-20) 38/F 1st referral – Visit with Mrs. McMillin 2nd referral – Visit with Mrs. Hardrick A severe disruption (fighting, profanity, disrespect, etc.) will result in an immediate office referral.
website: sixthgradewaldroppers.weebly.com Reading-Mrs. Waldrop The reading series we use is Harcourt Story Town. It’s designed to allow each student to work on his/her own reading level. Program focuses on: Various Skills of Comprehension Building Vocabulary Intermediate Reading Strategies website: sixthgradewaldroppers.weebly.com
Whole Group Reading Friday- Day 1 – Introduce the focus skill and vocabulary. Monday- Day 2 – Review focus skills, vocabulary and read weekly story. Tuesday- Day 3 – Introduce the focus strategy, review vocabulary and read weekly story. Wednesday- Day 4 – Review focus skills, strategies and comprehension. Thursday- Day 5 - Students will take their Reading test on ThinkCentral.com
Small Group Reading Reading groups will be based upon results from the STI Assessment and the ARMT+. Reading groups meet everyday for 45 minutes and follow a weekly rubric that covers comprehension and various reading skills Each group gets a rubric on Day 1 (Friday) of each week & 10 days to complete it.
Math-Mrs. Burrows 6th Grade 2010 Alabama COS and Common Core Standards . Content Standards Focus Area: Numbers and Operations, Algebra, Geometry, Measurement and Data Analysis and Probability Resources: Glencoe Math Workbook ,Performance Task, Kids College and Compass Learning Website: mrsburrowssixthgradeclass.weebly.com
Whole Group Math 6th Glencoe Math Workbook – A lesson is covered daily. ARMT+ Practice Daily and Friday ALL Day (Whole and Small Group) Performance Tasks Currently we are covering Chapter 2: Decimals, Fractions, and Percents
Small Group Math Students will receive a weekly Math Package which is due the following week. I will choose up the three assignments to grade weekly. Small group also consist of teacher station, technology, ARMT+ Practice and board games.
Science & Social Studies-Mrs. Bell
Language-Homeroom We use the StoryTown series and the Houghton Mifflin English Book. The Daily Oral Language sentences are given to students and corrected throughout the week. During the week we focus on a grammar and writing skill. Each week we will have two assignments that should be completed by Friday. Thursday is review day for the test. Friday we test on the language skill and the Daily Oral Language.
Spelling- Homeroom Spelling words are introduced on Day 1 of the reading lesson (Monday). Spelling words are assessed on Day 5. Students are responsible for studying the spelling words each week.
Accelerated Reader We participate in the Accelerated Reader Program. Students will take the STAR test twice a year to set what level book they may check out. Goals are set based on the STAR Test results. They are expected to be reading A.R. books and taking tests each week. If they reach their goal, they get to participate in the end of the semester rewards. Next year, 30% of their reading grade in 7th grade will be based upon Accelerated Reader.
STI Assessment ARMT+ Assessment January 17-18 Math & Reading Assessment Group placement Remediation/Skills/Progress ARMT+ Assessment May Math & Reading Assessment Advanced placement Remediation in 7th grade