Wilshire Farms Swim Team New Parent Information Meeting Wednesday, February 21 Wilshire Farms Clubhouse 6:30pm
Agenda Welcome & Introductions Wilshire Farms Swim Team History & Overview Membership Requirements Fees & Registration Process Practices Meet Schedule Meet Reminders Volunteer Requirements Team Suits, Swim Caps & T-Shirts Open House Calendar
Welcome & Introductions Coach Christie – Head Coach Whitney Orr – Team Manager Kim Heise – Assistant Team Manager
History & Overview History & Mission Summer recreation team started in 2009 with 26 swimmers The team has grown to roughly 100 swimmers The team’s mission is to provide a fun and safe environment for children to learn competitive swimming skills, practice good sportsmanship and meet new friends Member of the Southland Swim Association (SSA) Our team is a member of the Southland Swim Association (SSA) swim league. The SSA consists of eight teams: Deer Creek - Nicklaus Gold Club LionsGate - Nottingham Forest South Loch Lloyd Country Club - Nottingham by the Green Mills Farms - Wilshire Farms Season Overview Practice begins late May (targeting 5/30 or 5/31), contingent on the Blue Valley School District’s last day of school Daily Practices (Monday - Friday) that are split up by age group Dual meets are held once a week on Wednesday evenings The season concludes with the championship meet, which includes all eight SSA teams Swimmers must participate in two dual meets to be eligible to participate in the Championship Meet
Membership Requirements Age: All swimmers must be between 6 (and/or completed Kindergarten) and 18 years old as of June 1, 2018 Swimming Proficiency: Although each swimmer does not have to be proficient at all four strokes to be on the team, he or she does need to be a competent, independent swimmer All new swimmers will be required to pass a swim test. To pass the test, the following two requirements must be met: Swim Test Date(s): TBD New Swimmers will receive an invite to sign up for a swim test via SignUp Genius Targeting late March prior to registration closing on March 30, 2018 Stroke Requirements 25 yard freestyle Must swim using long strokes with the arms No stopping or holding onto the side of the pool or lane lines No dog paddling Swim must be completed within 45 seconds 25 yard backstroke Swim must be accomplished without stopping There is no time line on the backstroke swim
Fees Fees Fee Category $150 Elementary & Middle School Students and Wilshire Farms Residents $175 Elementary & Middle School Students and non-Wilshire Farms Residents Grandfathered from prior years, space permitting $85 High School Students (grade entering in the Fall for 2018-2019 School Year)
Registration Process Key Dates: Registration Opens: Thursday, February 22, 2018 Registration Closes: Friday, March 30, 2018 WFST reserves the right to close registration prior to March 30 if capacity is reached in a specific age group Registration Process: Register online using the link provided online upon opening of registration Complete Applicable Forms Complete the SSA Liability Waiver (available on the Wilshire Farms Swim Team website) Complete the SSA Code of Conduct (available on the Wilshire Farms Swim Team website) Registration Fee Payment - Checks should be made payable to “Wilshire Farms Swim Team” Mail Applicable Forms and Registration Fee Payment to Kim Heise Deadline: The deadline for turning in the applicable forms and payment is Friday, March 30 Important Registration Policies & Procedures to Note: Swim team registrations will be accepted in the order they are received Registrations are not considered complete until the payment AND signed SSA Liability Waiver AND SSA Code of Conduct have been received Refunds are not given if your child drops from the team
Practices Practice Times: Monday – Friday Mornings from 8-11am 8 and Under: 8-9am 9 & 10 Year Olds: 9-10am 11 & Older: 10-11am During practice, swimmers work on stroke development, kicking, diving and endurance Practices start in late May (targeting 5/30 or 5/31; pending Blue Valley School District announcing the last day of school) and run through Friday, July 13 Practice Details & Key Reminders: Swimmers should eat breakfast before coming to practice Parents are strongly encouraged not to stay and watch practice as it is often distracting to coaches and other swimmers Items to bring to practice: Towel, goggles, swim cap (marked with swimmer’s name) and a water bottle Inclement weather cancellations: Notification via email from WilshireFarmsSwimTeam@gmail.com
Meet Schedule Meet Times: Meets are held on Wednesday with rain-out dates on Thursday Meets start at 5:30pm Home Meets: Arrive at 4:30pm; Warm ups at 4:45pm Away Meets: Arrive at 4:45pm; Warm ups at 5pm Meets are typically over by 9:00pm 2018 Meet Schedule: Day Date Teams Home Meet Meet Time Arrival Time Wednesday 6/6 Wilshire Farms @ Loch Lloyd CC No 5:30pm 4:45pm 6/13 Wilshire Farms @ Deer Creek 6/20 Nicklaus Golf Club @ Wilshire Farms Yes 4:30pm 6/27 Wilshire Farms @ Lionsgate 7/4 BYE WEEK 7/11 Mills Farm @ Wilshire Farms Saturday 7/14 Championship Meet Gladstone Community Center NA TBD Morning: 10 & Under Afternoon: 11 & Older
Meets – Key Reminders Meet Details & Key Reminders: The coach will determine the events your child swims; although there are 5 individual events (Free, Fly, Back, Breast and IM), every swimmer is limited to 3 individual events per meet Marking Your Swimmer: It is a huge help if parents mark their swimmers with a Sharpie before arriving at the meet; Instructions on how to do this can be found on the team website, http://wilshirefarmsswimteam.yolasite.com under the “Swim Meets” tab Absence / Late Arrival / Early Departure: Please let team management know about any meets your swimmer will not attend or will arrive late/leave early no later than noon on Monday before the Wednesday meet; We need this information ASAP to arrange relays for the meets What to Bring to Swim Meets: Chairs for parents; blankets or similar item for the kids to sit on; extra towels; swim cap; extra goggles (if you have them); Sharpies; heat sheet; drinks & snacks; money for concessions; sun screen; sun glasses; comfy shoes if you're working; something for your swimmer to do while waiting (remember it is wet, so beware of bringing electronics) Remember: LABEL EVERYTHING!
Volunteers, Swim Suit & Open House Each family will be required to work a set number of shifts at either the home or away meets over the course of the season (the number will be determined based on registration) Sign-ups are available at Open House and are on a first come, first serve basis Any families that do not sign up will be assigned shifts Wilshire Farms is required to provide volunteers at the Championship Meet as well. Sign-ups for these positions will be announced closer to the date of the Championship Meet Team Suits, Swim Caps & T-Shirts Requirements: Wilshire Farms Stingray Team Suit Swim Caps are required for swimmers with long hair but encouraged for all swimmers Swim Caps can be ordered when registering for $12 each Please note that the SSA does not allow non-SSA caps at swim meets Team t-shirts will be provided to all team members who have registered & paid by Friday, March 30 Open House Date: Sunday, April 8 from 1-3pm Location: Wilshire Farms Clubhouse – Lower Level Great Opportunity to: Try on and order team suit Sign up for volunteer shifts Order spirit wear
Wilshire Farms Swim Team Calendar Month Day Date Activity Time Location February Wednesday 2/21 New Parent Information Meeting 6:30pm WFCH - LL Thursday 2/22 Registration Opens March Late March TBD New Swimmer Test BVRC Friday 3/30 Registration Closes April Sunday 4/8 Open House 1-3pm May Late May 5/30 or 5/31 First Day of Practice WF Pool June 6/6 Wilshire Farms @ Loch Lloyd CC 5:30pm LL CC 6/13 Wilshire Farms @ Deer Creek Deer Creek 6/20 Nicklaus Golf Club @ Wilshire Farms 6/27 Wilshire Farms @ Lionsgate Lionsgate July 7/4 BYE WEEK 7/11 Mills Farm @ Wilshire Farms 7/13 Last Day of Practice Saturday 7/14 Championship Meet GCC 7/15 Awards Party