Objectives 1) Identify together what are people's shared predominant views about the human body; 2) Discuss and propose together action plans to promote effective ways to think about changes of one’s own body 3) Think about and propose action plans in different settings (e.g., gyms or schools)
Some basic rules We would like everyone to participate Answer questions freely and honestly during the session We care about sharing what we will discuss: so, speak out about what you think on any issue; Nobody is here to judge you and nobody will;
We will also talk about “PAES” Performance Appearance Enhancing Substances
Types of PAES Legal substances: - supplements (e.g. vitamins, proteins, minerals…); - over the counter drugs. Illegal (doping) substances: substances that are prohibited by a sport governing body (e.g. anabolic steroids, growth hormones, EPO, stimulants….).
What is your idea about the human body First of all, we would like to know what are your opinions and views about the human body We have an activity for you that you can complete individually (Activity 1)
1st Activity: What do all of you think The body is like a machine and one can decide to intervene and modify even its single parts; If one should decide to modify his or her own body, this choice would not have any negative consequence for the person; PAES substances are the only way to modify one’s own body; There is no way (aside from medical surgical treatment) to truly intervene and modify one’s own body; The human body comprises a complex set of systems: the modification of one part inevitably causes changes in other parts; Proper training and nutrition are the best ways to change and intervene on one’s own body; It would be harmful for someone to decide to change his or her own body without addressing what this choice implies (e.g., in terms of risks or consequences).
Types of PAES Do you think that what seems to be prevalent among you is also prevalent in the society? What do you think about these prevalent views? What consequences (behavioral, personal, social, etc.) do these prevalent views have?
Now, you will listen a true story… Luigi’s story Now, you will listen a true story…
2nd Activity: Small groups to comment on Luigi’s story Distribute the form for “Activity 2” in small groups of 4-5 participants.
2nd Activity: Let’s see what each group thinks One person from each group describes the group’s work on activity 2; The following slide shows the questions each group addressed.
What is Luigi's idea of human body? Do you think that Luigi’s views or choices are the right ones? What are the consequences of Luigi’s choices? If you were Luigi, would you have acted in a similar way? If not, can you tell us how things (consequences) would have been different? What is the “take home” message of Luigi's story?
Body is a complex and interdepended system We hope that our discussion should show that the human body is a complex system and that a change of one of its parts leads to a change in another part; It should also be clear that changes may have unpleasant or unsafe consequences; The use of PAES substances, legal or illegal, may have negative consequences (e.g. on health) that may hinder or outweigh any positive effects that the user may presume (e.g., on performance).
What can we do about these issues?
Let’s work together on possible action plans How can we promote a «more effective and safe» idea of the human body?
3rd Activity Use the small groups and: Assign to each group a target setting; Ask each group to discuss and propose an action plan; Each group shares its work with the rest of the participants.
The “5 W” for a perfect plan! The fourth "W" has been already assigned Now complete "Activity 3"
Now we share the action plans of each group…
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