Learning Goals By the end of this lesson you will be able to: Describe your personality strengths and weaknesses according to “Colours” theory Evaluate your personal resources according to the “Colours” theory in regards to career choices
Personality Considerations Each colour represents a personality style that reflects emotional and intellectual preferences/tendencies The Colours method can be utilized to better understand ourselves, as well others around us.
What Colour(s) Are You??
Inquiring GREEN STRENGTHS Innovative and abstract thinker, high expectations Determined, sees the big picture Gathers data and information Plans and organizes Curious minds Values wisdom and knowledge Analytical processes
Inquiring GREEN WEAKNESSES --explaining detailed info --Insensitive to the feelings of others --Lack of follow through --Lack of concentration if disinterested Problems can be caused by lack of independence, boredom, emotional displays by others, perceived negative criticism, perception of things being unfair
Career Choices for Greens Scientist, Engineer, Biologist Chiropractor, Doctor, Dentist Computer Programmer, Mathematician Veterinarian, Sociologist, Market Research Financial Analyst, Physician Assistant
Organized Gold STRENGTHS Organized and orderly Dependable and reliable Always prepared and respects rules Strong belief in policy and procedure Committed and Consistent Diligent and Precise
Organized GOLD WEAKNESS Problems can be caused by confusion over roles/responsibilities, unclear instructions, unplanned changes, and frequent disruptions. WEAKNESS -- narrow focus -- Unforgiving once trust is broken -- May be pessimistic and negative --Sometimes too hard on self and others -- Perfectionist
Career Choices for Golds Accountant, Book Keeper, Auditor Bank Clerk, Legal Secretary Building Inspector, Air Traffic Controller Computer Support, Librarian Data Entry, Hotel Clerk, Immigration Customs Officer
Authentic BLUE STRENGTHS People oriented; relate well to others Enthusiastic, stimulating and inspirational Expressive and animated concerned for others Optimistic Affectionate and expressive Caretaker Creative and dramatic
Dealing with Authentic Blue Problems can be caused by too much specific information to remember, multitasking, put downs, perceived disregard for personal issues. WEAKNESSES -- sensitive to criticism and conflict may avoid confronting problems --can’t say no -- may show favouritism
Careers Choices for Blues Psychologist, Social Worker, Child Care Dental Hygienist, Home Health Aide Elementary teacher, CYW, DSW Marriage and Family Therapist Speech-Language Pathologist Teaching Assistant, Tour Guide
Resourceful ORANGE STRENGTHS Seeks change and variety Action-oriented and make quick decisions Quick witted, funny, brave Flexible in crisis situations Leadership qualities Physical ability/skills Takes risks
Resourceful ORANGE WEAKNESSES Problems can be caused by rigid rules and expectations, theoretical material, lack of positive recognition. WEAKNESSES -- impatient with theory -- may be impulsive bend/break rules to get things done -- may act too quickly and miss out on details -- Needs immediate feedback/rewards
Career Choices for Oranges Advertising, Salesperson, Chef, Waiter, Bartender Athlete, Coach, Physical Therapist Mechanic, Carpenter, Civil Engineer Photographer, Actor, Editor Fire Fighter, Flight Attendant
The dangers of categorizing We are all plaid We are all different blends intelligences, learning modalities and colours. It is important to understand that everyone is affected by the world in a different way, and everyone affects the world in a different way.