Nature and the Domestic and the Struggle for Identity in Zora Neale Hurston’s Sweat and Their Eyes Were Watching God Ásdís Björnsdóttir
Zora Neale Hurston 1891-1960 Eatonville Bernard antropology Harlem Renaissance 20 and 30’s Marginalized for folklore 1975 Alice walker IN search for ZNH
The ideal self: the desired state of being The real self: the actual, current self image Carl rogers Difference between the two indicates amount of insecurity
Ideal self in nature Trees Janie beginning end Deliah Body image Food
Ireal self represented through the domestic Not good vs bad right or wrong but two facades of self both necessary Proud Limbo
Emerging Black identity: Founded on cultural roots (The domestic represents the real self) Racial eqality a common goal (nature and the desired ideal self) “You ain’t goin’ off in all dat mess uh commonness. Ah’m surprised at yuh fuh askin’” Cause of marginalisation as well as being unpolitical Anthropology To sum up: concerned with idenity