Science/ Social Studies A Peek at This Week in… Fourth Grade Sept. 18, 2017 Reminders Check teacher webpages for daily resource schedules. Reading Log due each Friday. Math M4.4 Addition, Subtraction, Estimation with Multiplication facts Test Friday, September 22 Word Work Within Word 12 Syllable Juncture 3 Derivational Constancy 2 Quizzes are every Friday Lists are available online at if you should choose to have your child study at home: WW & SJ lists are available by searching lists with Mrs. Rickert’s name and DC lists are accessed through Mrs. Jenkin’s name Due to a printing error, some students are just bringing home their corrected test today. It is due no later than Friday, Sept. 22. Science/ Social Studies While we understand that it is not always possible to schedule appointments outside of the school day, please be aware that instruction missed due to late arrival and early dismissal is difficult to make up. Our day begins at 7:55 and ends at 2:35. Thank you for your understanding in this matter. S4.2 Force & Motion study begins S4.7 & 4.8 Solar System Test Thursday, September 21 VS.2 Native Peoples study concludes this week – test next week on entire unit