Message 4: The Danger of Wilful Sinning


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Presentation transcript:

Message 4: The Danger of Wilful Sinning Hebrews 10:26-31

Warnings from Hebrews 4 The Progression of the Warnings (Heb. 10:26-31): Neglecting God’s Word A Hardened Heart of Unbelief Stagnant Faith Wilful Sinning The 7 mortal sins in RCC: (i) pride; (ii) greed; (iii) lust; (iv) anger; (v) gluttony; (vi) envy and (vii) sloth.

Westminster Shorter Catechism 4 Sin is any want of conformity unto, or transgression of, the Law of God. Transgression: doing what God does not want us to do. Lack of conformity: not doing what God wants us to do. Psalm 19: Secret sins (v.12) – sins of ignorance. Presumptuous sins (v.13) – sins of the deliberate intent of the heart.

Gravity of Wilful Sinning 4 Context: The Old Testament sacrifices. The Law was merely a shadow of things to come. The OT sacrifices are inadequate to bring a finality of the forgiveness of sins.

GOD CHRIST MEN Christ the Mediator 4 HOLY “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1Tim. 2:5). CHRIST PRIEST PROPHET MEN SINFUL

The Unpardonable Sin 4 Text: Heb. 6:4-6. The Unpardonable Sin (Matt. 12:31-32): The Neighbours: They labelled Jesus a madman (Mark 3:21). The Religious Leaders: They labelled Jesus as having the devil (Mark 3:22) even though they knew that Jesus was empowered by God (John 3:2). Testimony of Paul: A blasphemer turned preacher (1Tim. 1:12-14).

The Unpardonable Sin 4 Believers: They would not commit the unpardonable sin as our salvation is secured in the hands of Christ (John 10:28; 1John 5:18). Unbelievers: Having been enlightened in the truth but choose to turn around and call God the devil (1John 5:16).

Unconditional Election Irresistible Grace Perseverance of the Saints The Doctrine of Grace 4 Total Depravity Unconditional Election Limited Atonement Irresistible Grace Perseverance of the Saints

The Doctrine of Grace 4 Reformed Faith: the doctrine of grace and sovereignty of God magnified and glorified. Saving Grace: God saves us by grace through faith in Christ. Sanctifying Grace: God continues to sanctifies us with His grace until the day of our glorification.

The Doctrine of Grace 4 Abounding Grace: The reservoir of God’s grace is never ending (John 1:16). Abuses of Grace: Continue in sin that grace may abound Sin because we are under grace