Kindergarten Readiness Office of Shared Accountability October 2018
Kindergarten Readiness Assessments PPVT (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test) – Objective assessment. “Measures an individual's receptive (hearing) vocabulary for Standard American English and provides, at the same time, a quick estimate of verbal ability or scholastic aptitude" (Dunn and Dunn, 1981). GOLD – Subjective assessment. Measures child development based on 6 factors (social-emotional, physical, language, cognitive, literacy & math). STAR Early Literacy – Objective assessment. Measures vocabulary, phonics, language & numeracy.
PPVT Sample The person administering the assessment would ask a student to point to the frog.
PPVT Scores – Spring 2018
GOLD Sample Sample of informal assessment used for GOLD- students identify and name letters.
GOLD – Widely Held Expectations Winter 2017/18
GOLD – Widely Held Expectations
STAR Early Literacy Sample Assessment is administered by a the computer.
STAR K-Readiness - Fall 2018
STAR Benchmark Categories – Fall 2018 Kindergarten
Fall STAR – Students enrolled in Pre-K for 100+ days as compared to students not enrolled
Assessment Correlation The correlation coefficient between STAR and GOLD is .62 (moderate) The correlation coefficient between STAR and PPVT is .51 (moderate) The correlation coefficient between PPVT & GOLD is .57 (moderate)
Calculating Correlation in Excel “=CORREL(numericvariable1, numericvariable2)”
Pre-K GOLD & STAR Fall Comparison 328 Students defined as Literacy K- Ready by GOLD, but not K-ready by STAR
Pre-K Peabody & STAR Fall Comparison 530 Students defined as Average or higher on PPVT, but not K-ready by STAR
GOLD Assessment & PPVT Comparison – Kindergarten Readiness
PPVT Assessment - Kindergarten Readiness
STAR Assessment – Kindergarten Readiness 416 (58%) out of 733 students were identified as K-Ready by both GOLD & PPVT. Of the 416, 123(30%) were K-Ready according to STAR. STAR classifies 17% of these 733 students as K-Ready. **based upon students who tested for all 3 assessments
STAR, PPVT & GOLD Student Categories Winter 2017/2018 Literacy K-Readiness STAR K Ready PPVT K-Ready Accomplished Emerging Total K Ready Ready 123 10 133 Not Ready 1 2 3 Not K Ready 293 171 464 30 103 447 286 733