Race Analysis Easter4 Day 2 M21E Jan Kocbach
EASTER4 DAY 2: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 4 Aebersold loses 0:14 to best split by going left. Straight is definitely fastest. Possible to find good runnable route straight (see M21E; run leg in 2:47)
EASTER4 DAY 2: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 5 Aebersold wins leg with 0:27 by going left, exploiting paths. M21E’s winner found good stroke to the right; could be even faster with good execution
EASTER4 DAY 2: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 7 Mistake by Aebersold into control – still better split time. Simply runs faster than the others in this karst terrain.
EASTER4 DAY 2: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 9 Mistakes for both Aebersold (1:40) and Bråten (1:50) – difficult to spot control, need to have 100% control when going into control area
EASTER4 DAY 2: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 7 Same leg as the men – there going slightly right using path system is fastest. Aebersold wins among women with more straight variant.
EASTER4 DAY 2: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 7 14th was the most tricky control with green & varying vegetation. Several lost time here – including winner Aebersold.
SPLITSBROWSER W21E – EASTER4 DAY 2 9th control mistake of 2 minutes nearly costs Aebersold the victory
EASTER4 DAY 2 W21E: MISTAKES VS BASE SPEED Höjsgaard, Trösse, Osterman have best technical races Aebersold has 3 minutes faster base speed than Höjsgaard who has second fastest
EASTER4 DAY 2 W21E: MISTAKES PER LEG AMONG TOP15 Biggest mistakes on leg 9, 14, 4, 12
EASTER4 DAY 2: TIME LOSS WINNER W21E SIMONA AEBERSOLD Biggest timeloss 1:43 seconds on leg 13
EASTER4 DAY 2: HÖJSGAARD (2nd) vs AEBERSOLD (1st) Höjsgaard looses steadily except for 9th control
EASTER4 DAY 2: HÖJSGAARD (2nd) vs AEBERSOLD (1st) Except for 6th control, base speed is Höjsgaards reason for time loss
EASTER4 DAY 2: SUMMARY W21E Exceptional speed by Aebersold in this karst terrain compared to rest of the field Aebersold makes many small mistakes & one big mistake – still wins most legs due to higher base speed Good technical race by Höjsgaard secures second place only one minute behind Aebersold Runners need to have full control when entering tricky areas as controls may be well hidden. Key to good performance is to understand where it is tricky