Background Students will have, in a previous grade covered adjectives. They have been introduced to adverbs in a previous unit The aim is for them to use their learning and apply it - understand how to improve their sentence construction – up level their writing Students will be grouped according to ability My focus will be LA support
Hook Commentary: The picture is my ‘hook’ into the lesson to capture interest and focus thinking Allow 20 seconds silent thinking time - hats on – then take feedback from the range of ability 3 mins. in total
WOW words
Question….. 20 seconds thinking time – keep thinking hats on! No hands up What is the grammatical name for these types of words? Target specific students 2 minutes in total
Commentary With physical examples, this will take 4 mins. including eliciting responses
WOW words walked ate stood up
Question….. No hands up No shouting out What is the grammatical name for these types of words? Share with your partner and write the name on your mini whiteboard Students hold up for viewing – AOL 2 min.
Higher order thinking Group discussion: If you use adjectives and adverbs in your sentences, what effect will this have on the reader? – 2 min. discussion Teacher will focus support on LA during this Feedback 2 mins. Total 4 mins.
Today’s WALT To be able to choose and use words that will make your sentences more interesting
What will I be able to do by the end of the lesson? All of you will be able to up level some sentences using 1 adjective and 1 adverb Most of you will be able to up level sentences using an adjective and an adverb independently Some of you will be able to up level sentences using a number of adjectives and adverbs independently 3 mins.
Let’s up level together! The * boy walked *across the * road. 30 seconds silent thinking time Targeted verbal feedback 2 mins.
Think Pair Share The boy cleaned his bedroom 20 seconds silent thinking time – hats on! Pair discussion write on mini white board – they hold up for teacher viewing Teacher takes feedback from the range of ability – 3 mins.
Individual challenge On mini whiteboards Choice of sentence: The dog is in the garden The child ate a cup cake The cat climbed up the tree 3 mins.
Group Activity Support Sheets will be available HA – no sheet MA - will be on the side if required – challenge to do the task, but support available if needed LA will be on table for support Give explicit instructions before giving out resources Remind class – red card for stuck, green for finished the task
Group activity The child ate the ice cream The chocolate melted in the sun The moon shone in the sky The giant walked towards the lion The wizard waved his wand at the children Time for task 5 mins.
Peer assessment Swap papers with another group Can you find a sentence that you think could be improved? How could it be improved? Write the up levelled sentence on the paper – 3 mins.
What I have been able to do by the end of the lesson? All of you will be able to up level some sentences using 1 adjective and 1 adverb with help Most of you will be able to up level sentences using an adjective and an adverb independently Some of you will be able to up level sentences using a number of adjectives and adverbs independently Use of green / re cards / thumbs up 3 mins.
Evidence of learning The home learning task will be my evidence base to establish whether the expected learning outcomes have been met………
Home Learning Write 4 simple sentences (Choice here) Then – up level them! Think about how to improve them using adjectives and adverbs - write your 4 sentences again, making them more interesting for the reader LA can take the support sheet as a guide 4 minutes explanation Total 40 mins.