Our theme this week`is my school and my friends. Miss Sherrod’s and Mrs. Spruill’s class news Week of: AUGUST 20-24, 2018 A Note from the Teacher Wednesday, AUG 22 P.M. P.M.– EARLY RELEASE DAY – STUDENTS WILL BE RELEASED At 1:30p.m. WE ARE ASKING FOR STUDENTS TO BRING IN A FAMILY PHOTO FOR OUR CLASSROOM’S FAMILY TREE THIS FRIDAY THERE WILL BE POPCORN FRIDAY –IF YOU WOULD LIKE FOR YOUR CHILD TO HAVE POPCORN, PLEASE BRING IN $0.50 IN A BAG OR AN ENVELOPE WITH STUDENT’S NAME ON IT. What’s Happening in... Our theme this week`is my school and my friends. We will be reading AND ACTING OUT Brown BEAR, brown bear what do you see? We will open up our learning centers this week we will make a class book of who do we see? We will continue to learn about sharing and taking turns with a parachute express game. Classroom Wish list Water cups bandaids envelopes Thank You, Miss Sherrod SherrRa@BOE.Richmond.K12.Ga.US