Your child knows who this is. So what is the AP Exam? Your child knows who this is.
Advanced Placement Exam Wednesday, May 5,2017 National comprehensive exam covering US history (3 hours, 15 minutes) 55 Multiple Choice (55 minutes) – 40% 1 DBQ (60 minutes) – 25% 1 LAQ (40 minutes) – 15% 3 SAQ (40 minutes) – 20% Advanced Placement Exam
How is Student Learning Assessed on the AP Exam? The AP Exam questions measure students’ knowledge of U.S. history and their ability to think historically. Questions are based on key and supporting concepts, course themes, and historical thinking skills.
How do South students measure up? 50.8% Nationally, students who take APUSH exam and score 3 or higher 83% South students taking all AP exams who score 3 or higher 74.7% South students taking APUSH exam who score 3 or higher
The worst case scenario is that you are out $94 The worst case scenario is that you are out $94. But look at what you’ve gained: -experience taking a national exam -demonstrates initiative to colleges (particularly if you receive higher scores later) -practice and preparation for future AP courses (macroeconomics, physics, calculus, Spanish, French) -practice for taking cumulative exams at the college level What if I score a 1 or a 2?