The Pedestrian By Ray Bradbury
Close Reading Questions What does the author mean when he says ‘he was alone in this world of A.D. 2052; or as good as alone’? What were all the other inhabitants of the city doing? Why has Mead taken to wearing sneakers? Paragraph 6 – What picture of the city is the author trying to paint? QUOTE in support of your answer. There was only one police car because ‘crime was ebbing’ What does this mean and why waas this the case? Explain what the author means when he describes ‘the grey or multicoloured lights touching their faces but never really touching them’
What facts do we learn about Leonard Mead during his interrogation by the police car? Why do you think the car arrested Mead? We are told that Leonard Mead was taken to the ‘Psychiatric Centre for Research on regressive Tendencies’. What sort of place do you think this is? What will happen to Mead there? How does Mead’s house contrast with the houses of all the other inhabitants? What has the author been trying to say about Mead compared to the other inhabitants throughout the story?
Language Write down a simile from the first paragraph and explain why it is effective? Write down all the words from paragraph 2 that you would associate with death. ‘and lights might click on and faces appear and an entire street be startled’ Why do you think the author repeats the word and three times? Write down a simile from paragraph 4 and explain why it is effective. ‘the faint push of his soft shoes’ What figure of speech is used here and what effect is created? What tone does Leonard Mead use when talking to the people inside the houses? (line 35 and line 45)
Look at paragraph 9. Write down a sentence that continues the idea of the city being like a desert. What do you think a ‘metallic voice’ would sound like? How does the author make the inside of the police car seem threatening and unpleasant? (paragraph beginning line 139) What word is repeated in the final sentence and why?
In ‘The Pedestrian’, Ray Bradbury warns us that too much dependence on television could result in people being reduced to a zombie like state where they do not communicate but just gaze mindlessly at a screen all the time. Write a paragraph about your views on each of these: Television prevents people from communicating Television is entertaining and educational Violent television programmes and gory DVDs are party to blame for the upsurge of violence in society People who watch television all the time are lazy and unfit
Discursive Essay Television has great influence in shaping people's lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree this statement? Give reasons for your answer. Two headings: Agree Disagree Under each heading give reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with the statement. Decide whether you as the author of the essay agree or disagree with the statement.
Prioritise all the arguments by numbering them Prioritise all the arguments by numbering them. The most important argument on each sheet should be 1 and the second most important argument 2..... Write the number beside each argument. Take another page in your jotter. Label them AGREE and DISAGREE. Write out each argument on the correct sheet making sure that they are listed in order of importance. Beside each argument write a detailed explanation of whether you agree with it or not. For each reason explain in detail why you feel the way you do. TAKE YOUR TIME OVER THIS AS THIS WILL FORM THE BASIS OF YOUR ESSAY.
Paragraph One - Introduction. Remember to include – the topic you are writing about some background information on your topic - facts figures etc a detailed explanation of why you have chosen this topic and why you are interested in it. explain whether you agree or disagree about the question.
Paragraph Two, Three and Four: Write down the most important arguments in the agree section of your topic. Then explain in detail why you either agree or with each. Paragraphs Five, Six and Seven: Write down the most important argument in the disagree part of your topic. Then explain in detail why you either disagree with each.
Paragraph Eight - CONCLUSION Restate your point of view and briefly reiterate your main reasons for feeling this way.