HEKSS GOOD PRACTICE WORKSHOP QUALITY AND INNOVATION IN EDUCATION (EDQUIN) Improving the handover process to support learners Angela Pendleton – Medical Education Manager Kelie Jest – Acting Education Registrar Dr Jinny McDonald – CT3 Psychiatry
A large Mental Health Care Trust. We are Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust A large Mental Health Care Trust. who cover an area of 1,450 sq miles over approx 50 sites. Medway Rota Dartford Rota Thanet Rota Pembury Rota Maidstone Rota Canterbury Rota
Who covers the rotas? 1st Oncall - Junior Doctor Rotas Core – 15 GP – 33 Foundation Year 2 Doctors – 12 SAS Doctors – 5 2nd Oncall – Senior Oncall Rota - Advice by telephone Higher SAS Consultants
Review of Handover - GMC Survey past 3 years Below outlier Above outlier n<3, results not published Within the lower quartile (Q1), but not a below outlier Within the upper quartile (Q3), but not an above outlier Within the middle quartile (Q2/IQR) Programme Group Indicator 2012 2013 2014 Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust Handover 36.51 41.19 51.67 Core Psychiatry Training 41.35 36.46 42.5 Forensic Psychiatry N less than 3 GP Programme - Psychiatry 35.71 46.88 67.31 General psychiatry 20 37.5 41.67 Old age psychiatry N less than 3 Psychiatry F2 39.29
Handover Challenges………….. Geography Different Managers on each site Different types of rotas Monitoring handover Communication Locums covering the rota
Handover Project Two focus group meetings Meetings Transcribed Transcript analysed and common themes identified Common themes identified to form a questionnaire Questionnaire sent to all junior doctors Responses analysed and taken back to the focus groups Interventions implemented over 3 months and then the same questionnaire is re-circulated Results to be compared with the first survey results
Responses to Handover Project Audit of handover New Handover Protocol Updated Handover Policy Better Communication Initial meeting between supervisor & trainee Induction Packs Handover Books/Bleeps/Mobiles Monitoring - Clinical Leads Meetings with Locums/Leads in East and West Kent
GMC Survey Results 2015 2015 36.51 41.19 51.67 56.25 19.54 increase Below outlier Above outlier n<3, results not published Within the lower quartile (Q1), but not a below outlier Within the upper quartile (Q3), but not an above outlier Within the middle quartile (Q2/IQR) Programme Group Indicator 2012 2013 2014 2015 Noticeable Improvements since 2012 Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust Handover 36.51 41.19 51.67 56.25 19.54 increase Core Psychiatry Training 41.35 36.46 42.5 65.00 23.65 increase Forensic Psychiatry N less than 3 GP Programme - Psychiatry 35.71 46.88 67.31 52.27 16.56 increase General psychiatry 20 37.5 41.67 40.63 20.63 increase Old age psychiatry N less than 3 Psychiatry F2 39.29 1.79 Increase