IOM International Organization for Migration OIM Organización Internacional para las Migraciones MIGRATION AND DEVELOPMENT FROM THE IOM PERSPECTIVE Washington DC., December 2008 Günther Müssig
2 MIGRATION DEVELOPMENT Labor Migration Cross-border labor migration, produces an effective exchange between countries and people. Mobility, Mobility, Remmittance transfers, Remmittance transfers, Quality of life. Quality of life. TRANSNATIONALISM Process that preserves the migrants link between both her/his country of origin and destination. Nostalgic trade, Nostalgic trade, Telecommunications, Telecommunications, Tourism, Tourism, Investments. Investments. NATIONAL INTEGRATION Acknowledgement of migrant rights in the country of destination. Residence Residence Participation in economic, polítical, cultural, and other activities. Participation in economic, polítical, cultural, and other activities. Citizenship Citizenship
3 DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES DEVELOPMENT IN COUNTRIES OF ORIGIN Migrants initiatives: 1 ) Remmittances; 2) Social, political, and economic associations of migrants abroad Initiatives of countries of origin: 1 ) Development initiatives that link migrants and non-migrants; 2) Aid to migrants abroad. Support from governments of destination countries: 1) Organized Migration Programs
4 COLOMBIA-SPAIN TEMPORARY AND CIRCULAR WORK MIGRATION PROGRAM In December 2006 the IOM initiated, with the financial support of the AENEAS program of the European Union, and in collaboration with the Pegasus Union (UP) and the Fundación Agricultores Solidarios (FAS), in order to consolidate and replicate this model, initially developed since 2001 by UP and FAS. The program is conceived to be for co-development, seeking to benefit peasants so that they may travel to the region of Cataluña (Spain) Average length of contract is 6 months. WORKERS WHO TRAVELED TO SPAINTOTAL Total workers who traveled2,9041,5191,385 Total workers from previous year (2007)800- Total new workers per year2,1041,519585
5 CIRCULARITY % % 80 37% ,263 2,252 3, ,237 1, % % ,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,200 2,400 2,600 2,800 3,000 3, Increase Number of Workers Workers from previous years New workers per year
7 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION COMPARISON OF THE VOLUME OF PROFIT OBTAINED BY WORKERS: TERM DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSES Percentage 2005 Percentage 2007 Difference TOTAL100.0 Housing construction Debt payment (Travel) Basic needs Housing expansion Clothing and shoes Furniture and appliances Education Land and/or housing Savings Health Other expenses Agricultural tool Cars Culture and recreation0.00.6
IOM International Organization for Migration OIM Organización Internacional para las Migraciones Web site: Working Notebooks on Migration No. 11, 22 & 25 (Cuadernos de Trabajo sobre Migración No. 11, 22 & 25)