PH Dept (and other) news Good Group Budget (+ 10%) Secretarial position (30% PH + 30% Collab) put in APT- Jenny’s contract ends March 2011; negotiations underway. WITCH/AD fellow has declined – hope for new position at next fellow board (deadline 4 March); Deyan Yordanov has started Student Gry will leave in April – possibility for new student funded by Group Brochure printed soon Do not forget EURORIB10 and HFI/NQI conferences ISOLDE workshop dates (Dec 8-10) ? Visitor room refurbishing continued MOU signed with LNL/Italy and SKKU/Korea; being finalized with GANIL
Total expenditure: 607278 CHF Outstanding commitments: 110 094 CHF Income: 791 906 CHF
Budget 2009-2010 Very healthy balance France has paid 2007-2008 but not 2009 Norway has not paid 2009 Manpower expenses: experts; external students; users ½ technician (WITCH/REX) 1 student HIE-ISOLDE ½ fellow target/ion source starting in March Conference secretary Didier Voulot now staff position paid by CERN Jenny paid entirely by CERN for 2009 (2010?) New HIE – ISOLDE team account T131910 Attribution for 2009 : 215 KCHF For 2010 : 300 KCHF
New Members Greece Ireland Korea Chili Portugal Norway