European Water Conference Jorge Rodríguez Romero Commission Communication on Programmes of Measures and the Floods Directive European Water Conference Jorge Rodríguez Romero European Commission DG Environment Water Unit
To recall… Main ideas presented at Heraklion meeting and afterwards more details to SCG in October Article 18 of WFD requires the Commission to publish a Communication on the basis of the 2012 reports on the progress on the implementation of the Programmes of Measures The Commission will publish the Communication and accompanying documents ahead of the Water Conference scheduled in Brussels on 23-24 March 2015 Main focus would be the Water Framework and the Floods Directives including integration issues The Conference will discuss achievements so far and also look forward towards the preparation of the second River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) and first Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMP)
Commission Communication and accompanying documents COM communication CSWD on WFD Programmes of Measures on Floods Directive 5 CSWDs on BE, EL, ES, HR, PT RBMPs CSWD: Commission Staff Working Document
Logistics and timetable Duration of the Conference: 1,5 to 2 days. Conference room in the Commission's Charlemagne building in Brussels with maximum capacity 400 Conference by invitation only open to national/regional/local water authorities and stakeholders Interpretation in 5 languages and web broadcasting By invitation only on the basis of a pre-registration process Timetable: First week of December: first Draft Programme and pre-registration open Early January: reminder for pre-registration End of January: final programme 22 February: closure of pre-registration January – end of February: confirmation invitations sent by email to accepted participants; messages to non-accepted participants sent by email
Overview of draft programme First day Opening 11:00 – 12:30 High-level opening Moderator: Karl Falkenberg, Director-General DG Environment Commissioner K. Vella Latvian Environment Minister Representative of EP ENVI Committee Executive Director EEA H. Bruyninckx Session I: 14:00 – 16:00 Floods Directive Session II: 16:30 – 18:00 Water Framework Directive Programmes of Measures: achievements and lessons learnt from the first RBMP Second day Session III: 9:00 – 10:30 Water Framework Directive next steps: towards the second River Basin Management Plans Session IV: 11:00 – 10:30 Water Framework Directive: integration issues Session V: Water policy in the context of Green and Blue Growth