Haley Everroad –HBE Gigante Location: Stockton, CA GPS: 37.9746 N, 121.3721 W Soil Metadata: The soil was collected from the banks of San Joaquin Delta on August 13, 2016. The soil was brown and composed of 25% sand, 43.75% silt, and 31.25% clay. The pH of the soil was 6.5. The percent water was 13.23%. The soil was collected at 93 degrees Fahrenheit and was slightly damp when collected. (original owner: Emily Johnson) Purification: 3 rounds of purification Average Plaque Size: 0.1 cm in diameter Morphology: Siphoviridae High Titer Lysate: 1.6 × 10^8 pfu/mL TEM Results: Head: 60 nm Tail: 140 nm