Protist and Fungi You will be able to explain how protists and fungi are similar and different than other common microscopic organisms.


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Presentation transcript:

Protist and Fungi You will be able to explain how protists and fungi are similar and different than other common microscopic organisms.

Prokaryote (Bacteria Cell) Can Not See Nucleus Much smaller than Eukaryote cells No visible organelles Contains DNA and RNA

Eukaryote Cells: Protists and Fungi Much larger Can See Nucleus (Brain of Cell) and organelles Complex cell can do more than Prokayote Has Specialized Functions in multi-cellular organisms Contains DNA and RNA DNA mainly in nucleus

Protist Characteristics Much larger than bacteria and viruses Made up of eukaryote cells—You can see nucleus and organelles (unlike prokaryote bacteria) Most unicellular but some are multi-cellular ( certain algae ) Only found in moist environments (water) Nucleus Amoeba Psuedopodia Nucleus

Animal-Like (Protozoa) Protozoans with Pseudopods (ex. Amoeba) Protozoans with Cillia (ex. Paramecium) Protozoans with Flagella Protozoans that are Parasites. (ex. Malaria)

Protist 1: Ameoba Eukaryote- can See organelles and Nucleus Move with Pseudopodia Found in bottom in the sediment of most water systems Engulfs food by surrounding it Cause diseases in humans. Pseudopodia Nucleus

Protist 2: Paramecium Eukaryote- can see nucleus and organelles Covered in cilia Found in Water Has 2 Nucleuses Feeds on other protists (algae and Euglena) Contracting Vacuole Macronucleus Micronucleus

Protist 3: Malaria Malaria video Is a parasitic amoeba Spread through a vector: mosquitoes In humans, the parasites attack the liver and can be deadly. The spread of it can be controlled by use of mosquito nets. Not common in the western world. Malaria video

Plant-Like Protists Plant-like protists are commonly called alage. They are grouped together because, like plants, they are all autotrophs. Diatoms Euglena Dinoflagellates

Protist 4: Euglena Eukaryote- can see Nucleus and organelles Is a mix of plant and animal type. Found in water Has long tail called flagellum Has “eyespot” to detect light (Stigma) Green color from chloroplasts

Protist 5: Volvox and Algae Volvox (colony of algae cells) Eukaryote- can See Nucleus and organelles Green organelles called chloroplasts Autotrophic-makes own food Some live as colony (Volvox) Some deadly release toxin known as the Red Tide Red Tide

Algae Eukaryote organisms Not True Plants Can be unicelled or multicellular Produce up to 60% of the world’s oxygen

Fungus-Like Protists Like fungi, fungi-like protists are heterotrophs, have cell walls, and use spores to reproduce. Slime Mold Downy Mold Water Mold

Slime Molds Slime mold is a broad term describing fungus-like organisms that use spores to reproduce They are actually protists! Slime molds were formerly classified as fungi Their common name refers to part of what it looks like

Mold/Fungi Characteristics Eukaryotes – can see nucleus and organelles Have cell walls made of chitin (insect skeleton material) Unable to make their own food so act as parasites: absorb food from other living/decaying things

Fungi Obtaining Food First fungi grow hyphae into a food source. Then digestive chemicals ooze from the hyphae into the food, breaking it down into small substances that can be absorbed by the hyphae.

Fungi Reproduction Fungi usually reproduce by making lightweight spores in reproductive structures called fruiting bodies. The spores can then be carried easily through the air or water to new sites. Most fungi reproduce both sexually and asexually.

Fungi Reproduction Asexual Reproduction: Cells at the tips of the hyphae can divide to form spores, which grow into fungi that are genetically identical to the parent. Sexual Reproduction: Hyphae of two fungi can grow together and exchange genetic material, then grow a new spore producing structure.

Asexual Reproduction

Sexual Reproduction

Fungi role in nature Fungi are food Fungi are environmental recyclers Fungi fight disease Fungi cause disease Fungi help plants grow

Example Mushrooms Athletes foot Mold

Closing of Microlife How do we protect ourselves from these pathogens? Virus Bacteria Protists Mold/Fungi What type of medicines work against them? Vaccines Antibiotics Chlorine in water Antifungal medicines

Preventing Spread of Disease Active Immunity- your body is producing antibodies to fight it off. (Vaccine or prior exposure) Passive Immunity- you are injected with antibodies from another organism to fight it off; allows time for your body to find and make antibodies before you become ill