You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. (36) What do you think Atticus means by this?
In your groups, brainstorm some details based on the pair of shoes you have been given. Answer the questions on the handout provided. You are going to be creative and presenting a biography of the owner of these shoes through PowerPoint.
A 3-5 sentence paragraph describing the owner of the shoes. You will use the questions from the handout provided to complete this task. You are allowed to put in any other ideas that you can think of to describe the owner. A background. A picture that is relevant to the owner (example: similar looking pair of shoes, a picture of someone that you think the owner looks like). Anything else that you think will add to the presentation (sounds, special font, etc.)
Henry Edward Harrison Henry Edward Harrison loves to hike, especially in his favorite pair of hiking boots. They are black leather and have brown laces. They are also size 12. Since these are Henrys favorite pair of hiking boots, he has had them for many years. The laces are frayed and the souls are wearing down. Henry is an older gentlemen. He has dark hair that is balding at the top of his head. Since Henry hikes so often, he is in very good shape for a man his age. One of Henrys traits is that he is a very driven person; he dedicates all his free time to hiking. This is also one of Henrys downfalls though, because he spends so much time hiking that he often doesnt get to see his family or friends. His family and friends care about Henry and like him very much, they just wish that he would devote more time to them inside of hiking.
Dont forget to read your biography for any grammatical errors! Dont forget to post your biography onto blackboard! Most importantly… Always remember to walk in somebody else's shoes!