September 22, 2017 Language Arts/Classroom Skills Math Science Identifying & writing our first name Pencil, scissor and glue skills Letter Bb (sound, letter recognition, handwriting, and sign language) Listening skills Color word - blue Math Calendar math Number 2 Shape – square Tally marks Number bonds Ten frames Even and odd numbers Science Being a Scientist Using our senses Social Studies Rosh Hashana holiday curriculum This week we started our mini me presentations, how adorable are these projects!? Please let your child practice their presentation at home so they know what they would like to share before standing up in front of the class. We also work on asking questions and giving compliments after each presenter so the audience is actively participating. It is such a fun start to their kindergarten year! Please let me know if you have any questions! This week we also talked about school bus safety and fire drills. The children practiced evacuation drills in the mornings on their bus. Check in with your child to see what they learned! Next week we will learn more letters of the alphabet, we will talk about apples and the new fall season, and we will continue with our numbers and shapes in math. Monday (DAY 1) Music Tuesday (DAY 2) Library - No Checkout Wednesday (DAY 3) Art Thursday (DAY 4) Library – Book Checkout Friday (DAY 5) Gym (wear sneakers!) Sept/Oct – Mini Me Presentations Check your form for your child’s day September 25 – Picture Day 610-240-2031