Reminders 10/3/17 Vocabulary Pic Quiz – Friday, Oct. 6 Othello Quiz, Acts III & IV – Wednesday, Oct. 4 Need a copy of A Thousand Splendid Suns (by Khaled Hosseini) by Monday, October 16 – that’s two weeks from yesterday! **Coming up: Friday, Oct. 13 – In Class Essay test for Othello Monday, Oct. 16 – Othello Unit Test – M.C.
Mining Literature What is insight? What is the importance of complexity in literature? Think about the most the play, Othello. Give some examples of small details that you noticed about one of the characters. Then, apply your powers of insight to come to some conclusions about that character’s motivations based on those clues. Now, think of the main struggle that your character goes through as the story progresses. What different social forces contribute to the complicated situation that the character is in? Describe these forces (they may be large or small, internal or external), discussing the way that they push or pull on the character’s choices and actions.
Vocabulary unit 8 Intro to words #11-20; draw on sticky notes
othello Sticky Note responses Complete for Act IV Quick Reading Check Quiz Sticky Note responses Complete for Act IV Post Act III and Act IV on chart paper Discuss Act IV – remainder of reading/highlight quotes CEI Work – revisit selecting evidence & discuss what interpretation is/work on drafting 3+ sentence interpretation for claim Groups: Big Ideas/Thematic Concepts in Acts III & IV (if time)
CEI WOrk Consider the comments written on your index cards (these comments are related to your revised claim and/or the evidence you wrote down for that claim) Example – let’s discuss the quality of each piece of evidence for the claim below: Claim - Othello’s dramatic fall from revered, stately hero to raging monster suggests that evil can easily replace good when faced with unthinkable conditions. Evidence: “Death and damnation! Oh!” Evidence: “All my fond love thus do I blow to heaven. Tis gone!” Evidence: “Most potent, grave, and reverend signiors, My very noble and approved good masters, That I have ta'en away this old man's daughter, It is most true”
Examples from other sources Iago acts as an agent of evil to manipulate other characters and reveal the nature of evil in humanity. Iago’s cruel plot for revenge against Othello shows how far a person will go in order to achieve what they believe is right. Iagos’ surreptitious and subtle cruelty fuels other characters to commit their own acts of cruelty which they may not have otherwise deemed possible. The rational and calm Othello collapses to become savage and irrational. Othello’s dramatic fall from revered, stately hero to raging monster suggests that evil can easily replace good when faced with unthinkable conditions. Othello’s transformation from rational and calm to savage and irrational illustrates the power of manipulation combined with the forces of jealousy.
Interpretation Interprets the evidence and how it supports your claim (explains why and how the evidence proves the claim) A reasonable interpretation and analysis of the facts Does not assume more than the evidence supports You should explain (give context and/or define anything that might need defining) It should be explaining how evidence proves the claim true Talks about the big ideas that connect your evidence to your claim. **Select best piece of evidence. Write interpretation – 3+ sentences.
Review of CEI Claims: Evidence: Interpretation: