CV Outcomes and Adherence With GLP-1 RAs
This program will include a discussion of investigational agents not approved by the FDA for use in the United States, and data that were presented in abstract form. These data should be considered preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.
Diabetes and CV Disease
EXSCEL CVOT Exenatide Once-Weekly
EXSCEL Once-Weekly Exenatide Results
Post-Hoc Analysis of EXSCEL
SUSTAIN 6 Once-Weekly Semaglutide Results
LEADER Once-Daily Liraglutide
Clinical Application of Results From LEADER
Clinical Application of Results From EXSCEL
ELIXA Once-Daily Lixisenatide
HARMONY Once-Weekly Albiglutide
ITCA-650 Implantable Exenatide
Adherence and Persistence
Manage Patient Expectations
Impact of Delivery Device on Patient Acceptance and Adherence
Consider Patient Preferences
2018 ADA/EASD Consensus Report GLP-1 Receptor Agonists With Proven CV Benefit
REWIND Once-Weekly Dulaglutide
Majority of People With T2D Have CV Disease
Primary Prevention
GLP-1 RAs and SGLT2 Inhibitors Reduce CV Outcomes
Concluding Remarks