Constellation Practice/Review Remember our goal?
I can identify the major constellations: Ursa Major Orion Cassiopeia Cygnus Scorpius Did we meet the goal on Wednesday?
Which one is Orion? A B Hercules
Which one is Cygnus? A B Cancer
Which one is Ursa Major? A B Sagittarius
Which one is Scorpius? A B Leo
Which one is Cassiopeia? A B Perseus
What next… Identify the major constellations visible by season. Ursa Major Cassiopeia Cygnus Scorpius Orion Seasons: Winter Spring Summer Fall
Circumpolar Constellations that are close to the celeestial pole, so they appear to rotate around it. Cassiopeia Ursa Major Ursa Minor (polaris)
Which one is which? Rotation: The reason the constellations rise and set. Revolution: The reason constellations change depending on the season.
Upcoming assignment alert!!! The grade: Create a new constellation and tell its story in a creative way. 10 pts. Tell the story behind the constellation. 5 pts. Explain where the constellation is in the night sky (is it next to cassiopeia, etc.) 5 pts. Explain the time of year you would see your constellation (is it circumpolar, a summer constellation, etc.) 3 pts. Picture of the constellation is included. 2 pts. Creativity in telling the story. 5 pts. Conventions (grammar, spelling) TOTAL= 30 pts. Your task: Create a new constellation. There should be a story behind the constellation. It should be meaningful to you. DUE TUESDAY 2/27
Creativity??? Create a story book. Draw a comic strip. Write a skit. Write a poem. Create a powerpoint using pictures. Write a song about your constellation. TELL THE STORY