UNDERSTANDING LCFF & LCAP 101 Nancy Sedgwick Cristina Parodi-Araya Assessment, Accountability and Evaluation Learning and Leadership Services
LCFF: Local Control Funding Formula California used to have a complicated system to fund education, but now: Prop 98 sets the percent of state funds that go to education. In 2013-14 California adopted the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) which sets an equal $ per student allocation for every district based on grade level. (Elementary receives additional funds for class size reduction, high schools get additional funds for Career Technical Education) Districts also get additional funds for their Low Income, English Learners & Foster Youth Prop 30 raised the sales tax temporarily to provide additional funds to implement LCFF.
LCFF: Local Control Funding Formula Under LCFF California has shifted the responsibility to the School Districts for how the money will be spent. The “EXPECTATION” is that School Districts will act based on the needs of their students. This is Local Control.
LCAP: Local Control and Accountability Plan All School Districts are required to produce an LCAP, demonstrating how the LCFF funds are linked to meeting the needs of all students. Each LCAP must address the eight state priorities: Sufficient instructional materials, school facilities maintained in good repair, and appropriately assigned and fully credentialed teachers. Implementation of the academic content and performance standards, including enabling English Learners to access the core standards and the ELD standards. “Parental Involvement”. Pupil Achievement. Pupil Engagement. School Climate. Broad course of study. Pupil outcomes in the broad course of study.
LCAP: Local Control and Accountability Plan California has defined specific data districts must use to monitor the 8 priorities Stakeholder review and input is a part of the LCAP process The LCAP must be reviewed and updated annually