Entergy Transmission Proposed Transmission Reliability Projects Entergy Transmission Planning Summit New Orleans, LA July 8, 2004
2005 – 2006 Transmission Reliability Projects Topics 2005 – 2006 Transmission Reliability Projects 2006 – 2008 Transmission Expansion Projects 2009+ Transmission Target Areas 2005 Transmission Infrastructure Projects (Asset Management)
Caveats on Proposed Transmission Reliability Projects Cost estimates provided, in most circumstances, are planning-level estimates. In addition, these costs do not include overhead and tax gross-up, which could be as high as 70% of the costs cited. Siting of new generation and load growth could affect the timing and necessity of the proposed projects. Most of the proposed projects, which are subject to Jurisdictional review and approval, have not yet been budgeted. External considerations (i.e., out-of-cycle projects or budget adjustments during the year) could impact the proposed in-service dates.
Transmission Area Planners A. Arkansas Stacy Hamilton (504) 310-5451 B. Mississippi Mark Haydel (504) 310-5856 C. Southeast Louisiana Barry Canzoneri (504) 310-5813 Southwest Louisiana and North Louisiana Terrence Griffin (504) 310-5817 E. Texas Steve Berry (504) 310-5582 Manager: Doug Powell (504) 310-5810 Little Rock Jackson W. Monroe Baton Rouge Beaumont New Orleans Note: Geographic boundaries are approximate.
Transmission Project Development A. Arkansas Jerry Reed 501-490-4703 Mississippi and North Louisiana Rick Bewley 601-368-2005 C. Texas Chuck Hughes 409-347-5118 Ronnie Trevino 409-347-5117 Southwestern Louisiana Ed Brawner 337-593-7333 E. Southeast Louisiana Russell Saliba 504-310-5874 David Waddell 504-310-5873 Manager: Tom Lanigan 504-310-5866 Note: Geographic boundaries are approximate.
Transmission Services A. Arkansas Mike Doyle (501) 490-5643 B. Mississippi Dennis Broussard (504) 310-5878 James Howard (504) 310-5881 C. N. Louisiana, S. Louisiana, SMEPA Bob McQueen (504) 310-5867 D. Texas Carl Olson (936) 525-2040 E. SW Louisiana IPPs & Cogens Carl Olson LaGen Coops Bob McQueen Analyst: Kim Mitchell (504) 310-5879 Manager: Ollie Burke (504) 310-5864 Note: Geographic boundaries are approximate.
OASIS-Posted Information Entergy’s OASIS Web Site Address: http://oasis.e-terrasolutions.com/OASIS/EES Planning models Generation interconnection studies status Check out the brand-new link for Planning Summit Information!
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All presentations for this Summit http://oasis.e-terrasolutions.com/OASIS/EES
Load Growth Projections Record System Peak: 22,052MW1 EAI 5,533MW with AECC 6,865 EGSI 7,042MW ELI 5,124MW EMI 3,130MW ENOI 1,223MW Hot Springs Little Rock (1) This demand level is the all-time peak demand on the Entergy system less AECC, which occurred on 8-30-2000. With AECC, the peak was 23,384MW. Jackson W. Monroe Baton Rouge Conroe New Orleans Beaumont