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Presentation transcript:

Operations and Release Working Group 13 March 2017 Stephen J Winnie

Agenda Item Description Who Time 1. Tea and coffee All 09:30-10:00 2. Welcome and introduction Objectives for the day Stephen Winnie 10:00-10:15 3. Release Management 4.0 – timeline and content Future Release Schedule 10:15-11:30 5. Break 11:30-11:45 6. Service Test system, MPF and Digital Initiatives update Service Performance February and March   11:45-12:15 8. Lunch 12:15-13:00 9. Workshop TP issues/questions Data Cleanse and improvement plan – prioritised set Expected remediation plans from TP population 13:00–15:30 10. Meeting Close. AOB and Wrap up 15:30 – 16:00

Release Management

Release Management – Future 2018 - 2019 Task Start Date End Date Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 4 Define CPW candidates   Panel Approval 20/12/2017 Ofwat Sign-Off 30/12/2017 Design 08/01/2018 21/01/2018 Dev/SIT 22/01/2018 19/04/2018 Define Defect candidate final set 01/04/2018 MOSL/TP Test 23/04/2018 17/05/2017 PRD deployment 18/05/2017 19/05/2017 5 28/02/2018 31/03/2018 Final Change set defined 15/04/2018 01/06/2018 30/08/2018 17/08/2018 01/09/2018 21/09/2018 29/09/2018 6 31/08/2018 30/09/2018 01/10/2018 02/11/2018 02/12/2018 05/12/2018 07/03/2019 25/02/2019 19/04/2019 10/05/2019 17/05/2019 7 31/03/2019 30/04/2019 01/05/2019 01/06/2019 30/06/2019 03/07/2019 30/09/2019 16/09/2019 04/10/2019 25/10/2019 08/11/2019

Release Management – Future TP request to move the releases to May and October. MOSL reviewing the scheduling of such and invite feedback Intend to move to TWO (Major) Releases 2018 18 May 2018 27 September 2018 2019 17 May 2019 08 November 2019

Release Management – R4.0 Some minor adjustments to dates may be required and will be confirmed closer to the time WRC content initially identified as CPW014 (CSD0301 drafting changes) CPW022 (T101 New Connection Allocation) CPW027 (Separate out QC Error codes) GDPR (pending finalisation) (test system content TBC) 4.0 WRC content to be issued to TPs 15 January 2017 XSD details to be to be confirmed 30 January and file published 12 February 2018 Defect set to be confirmed 3 April 2018 MPS_2 deployment 20 April 2018 for TP testing (possibly two drops) TP testing to complete 11 May 2018 (with a week contingency) Deploy to PRD 18 May 2018 MPS deployment 22 May 2018

Release Management – R5.0 Some minor adjustments to dates may be required and will be confirmed closer to the time Panel recommendation on WRC content confirmed 28 February 2018 Ofwat approval of CPW content 31 March 2018 5.0 WRC content issued to TPs 01 May 2018 XSD details to be to be confirmed 08 June 2018 Final Defect set confirmed 17 August 2018 MPS_2 deployment 31 August 2018 for TP testing (possibly two drops) TP testing to complete 21 September 2018 (with one week Contingency) Deploy to PRD 28 September 2018 MPS deployment 02 October 2018 CPW028 SPID pairing transactions T155 and Data Sharing by Agreement CPW033 Meter EFD in Meter DMS report

Release Management – R6.0 Some minor adjustments to dates may be required and will be confirmed closer to the time Panel recommendation on WRC content confirmed 31 August 2018 Ofwat approval of CPW content 30 September 2018 6.0 WRC content issued to TPs 01 November 2018 XSD details to be to be confirmed 2 December 2018 Final Defect set confirmed 25 February 2019 MPS_2 deployment 19 April 2019 for TP testing TP testing to complete 10 May 2019 (with one week Contingency) Deploy to PRD 17 May 2019 MPS deployment 21 May 2019

Release Management – R7.0 Some minor adjustments to dates may be required and will be confirmed closer to the time Panel recommendation on WRC content confirmed 31 March 2019 Ofwat approval of CPW content 30 April 2019 7.0 WRC content issued to TPs 01 June 2019 XSD details to be to be confirmed 30 June 2019 Final Defect set confirmed 16 September 2019 MPS_2 deployment 04 October 2019 for TP testing TP testing to complete 25 October 2019 (with one week Contingency) Deploy to PRD 08 November 2019 (moved to avoid Settlement runs) MPS deployment 15 November 2019

Release Management – Post MO 18-May-18 Major Release 4.0 deferred to avoid Year End and to include CPW and GDPR GDPR – no CMOS changes required 29-Sep-18 Major Release 5.0 (to avoid summer holidays) 17-May-19 Major Release 6.0 (to avoid summer holidays and R1) 08-Nov-19 Major Release 7.0 – avoid settlement runs Future release schedule for Releases All have potential for XSD changes Test windows proposed 3 weeks with one week contingency The use of the Release is predicated upon there being any change to accommodate. If no change then no Release will be invoked

Systems Code versions System Version as from date PRD 12/01/2018 MPS 16/01/2018 MPS_2 06/03/2018 UAT 04/01/2018 Update to PRD to 24/03/2018 (MOSL facing functionality)

Test Systems Architecture

Workshop – MOSL items – Test Architecture - Current Data retention and test systems strategy. Retention of the existing MPS and MPS_2 environments Data load (reuse the current DM Loader) Controlled Support for Settlement runs There are three potential options   1 – a full purge of the test Db and a load via the DM Loader capability using TP provided data files. 2 – a selective purge of the test Db and a load via the DM Loader capability using TP provided data files. Considerations We do not currently have a selective purge capability. Mixed capabilities of TPs to be still capable of producing data load files. Plan Retain current test systems until CMOS Release 4.0 is concluded Move across to a new target setup post May 2018 and before 5.0 is delivered to test in September 2018

Workshop – MOSL items – Test Architecture - Target Data retention and test systems strategy. Proposal Retention of the existing hardware and consolidation of environments “MPS_2” “MPS” Data load (potentially rewrite the current Loader) Selective Purge (by ORG_ID) capability Support for Settlement runs Withdraw MPS_2 at end May 2018 after 4.0 is Live. Continue with MPS being available. Rebuild the architecture Re-establish MPS_2 in tie for 5.0 into test end of August 2018 Data Refresh There are three potential options   1 – a full purge of the test Db and a refresh from PRD – copied by CGI 2 – a full purge of the test Db and a load via the DM Loader capability using TP provided data files. 3 – a selective purge of the test Db and a load via the DM Loader capability using TP provided data files. Considerations We do not currently have a selective purge capability. Mixed capabilities of TPs to be still capable of producing data load files.

Market Performance Framework Rob Curry 13 March 2018

Summary 1 open defect 0.01% of SPIDs in MPS 19 2 CMOS data issues Potential TCORR issues (TCORR165 and TCORR166) 0.03% of SPIDs across all standards Overall 99.96% accuracy

Progress review

Progress review

Progress review

Summary 173 tests 66 boundary tests 107 functional tests 96% test-cases have passed 94% of boundary tests 97% of functional tests 99% of core tests 94% of edge tests

Next steps 22 additional tests to provide additional assurance TCORR117.W, TCORR165.W, TCORR166.W and TCORR180.W Volume Transfer Excessive time-dependencies 6 deferrals MPS 11 – accredited entity flag issue, requiring CMOS change ISA Regression test of all core tests Baseline and code-freeze

Digital Initiatives Updates

Workshop – MOSL items – Digital Initiatives Outline and timelines MVI Guided Workflow Peek/Dequeue & Proactive Notifications

Service Updates

Service Management February Service Levels February Performance & Reporting March statistics To Date

OWRG – February Service Review

OWRG – February Service Review P1 – Ticket raised was raised on the 15/02/2018 by MOSL as the production environment was unavailable. After an investigation the issue was discovered to be due to the firewall dropping trading party connections. The firewall was reset and after a monitoring period, no further issues were reported. The incident was resolved within SLA. P2 – Ticket was raised on the 06/02/2018 by a trading party. Users in the office cannot get into the MOSL service. Other users reported CMOS running slow but not any errors. After an investigation the web portal service was found to be using a large amount of the CPU. The service was reset and after a period of monitoring the incident was resolved within SLA.

OWRG – February Service Review There have been 107 production tickets raised in the month of February.

OWRG – March Service Review as of 08/03/2018

OWRG – March Service Review as of 08/03/2018 There have been 16 production tickets raised in the month of February as of 08/03/2018


Workshop – TP Items Meter Effective To Date INCLUSIVE/EXCLUSIVE INCLUSIVE/EXCLUSIVE question. In this case meter ETD is EXCLUSIVE the meter is ended at time of midnight on the date.   F read date = 08/02/2018 (effectively stamped as 2018-02-08 00:00:00 in CMOS) Meter ETD  is really end of day on 07/02/2018. Meter Read frequency from Wholesaler Retail Code Schedule 1, Part 1,. Page 34 “Monthly Read Meter”. (i) an 80mm Tariff or above (including all appropriate Sub Meters); or (ii) supplies subject to agreements under section 142(2)(b) of the Water Industry Act 1991; or (iii) supplies to a Supply Point taking more than 100,000m3 per annum;

Workshop – TP Items – SPID Tradability WHOLESALER Flow Direction CMOS RETAILER CMOS SPID Status Description of event T101.W "------------>"   SPID Request from Wholesaler SPID created "<------------" T102.M NEW SPID number and details advised by CMOS T103.M T103.R PARTIAL Retailer accepts SPID TRADABILITY Open trans T137.M Request Confirmation of Any Services to "Other Wholesaler" T137.W Notify Confirmation of Any Services from "Other Wholesaler" CONDITIONAL T139.W T139.M Charge Atributes on SPIDs by Wholesaler-WATER A T147.W T147.M Submit Metered Service Component Data B T144.W T144.M Submit Unmeasured Service Component Data T145.W T145.M Submit Assessed Service Component Data T163.W T163.M Submit Rateable Value T140.W T140.M Charge Atributes on SPIDs by Wholesaler-SEWERAGE C D T158.W T158.M Submit Highway Drainage Service Component Data T159.W T159.M Submit Surface Water Service Component Data T104.W T104.M Meter details passed to CMOS T132.M T132.R Retailer send Customer name to CMOS T156.M T156.R Update SPID Billing Address OPTIONAL T112.M T112.R Changes to SPID VACANCY status ONLY T146.M T146.R Submit Yearly Volume Estimate on meter E T107.W T107.M Wholesaler sends connection date on Water SPID

Workshop – Data Conversions 2.3 XSD format changes - PRD As at 12/02/2018 Meter Physical Size (=0) Thames = 2 Wessex = 2 No “I” read on meter   Count 02/11/2017 11/12/2017 15/01/2018 12/02/2018 Wholesaler 12/06/2017 02-Nov POTABLE SEWERAGE ANGLIAN-W 1 CHOLDERTON-W 3 SEVERN-W 2 SSE-W 22 17 16 14 THAMES-W 146 215 68 147 65 145 144 UNITED-W Totals 172 238 90 87 85 -3 -2 -1


Operational Issues RF and G read generation Deferred October 2016 RF to enable TP to submit meter reads Counts of prospective G reads to be created have been published Expect three month moratorium before re-commencement of the RF runs Settlement queries from User Exceptions Need to identify the exact exception in order to determine the correct course of action Process transaction to update the attributes Potential for re-run of Settlement depending upon materiality of change CMOS Technical Maintenance Saturday nights each week as a standard period 23:00 – 06:00 Plan to have monthly updates and dates have been communicated.

Workshop – MOSL items Long Unread Meters/Null YVE/Vacancy combination Unpaired SPIDs NAPS Other Data improvements XY co-ordinates for Meter and Outreader Vacant sites SPID Version – tidy up of legacy issues “Disappearing” SPIDs – T107 logic and data fix applied. Postcode CGI split of postcode data CGI target insert of space Postcode space insert now completed CGI report of invalid postcodes – TP tidy up and resolution O/S Meter read Types/Methods Non_market meters – use and re-use MAKE/SERIAL/I-READ_DATE makes unique record. (re-use of make/serial is possible

Workshop – Data Quality Improvement plans – as at 05/03/2018 Asset Attribute Count-JAN Count-FEB Count-MAR Comments WHOLESALERS RETAILERS Customer impact Priority Meters Long Unread Meters 210,079 223,905 230,965 from MDS Long Unread meter reports. Run comparison with null YVE and VACANT WTR SPIDs 24 30 out of c 1.32million meters. 1 Meter Null YVE 629,682 612,406 613,448 meters with no YVE - cross ref to Unread meters. Mixture of Treatment types 629117 POTABLE/non-potable 32 if there are no meter reads (2 in 13 months), Settleemnt will use YVE, If there is no YVE it uses ILE - increasingly les accurate in consumption estimation processing 2 SPIDs Unpaired SPIDs-WTR 87,552   9,414 match at core and offset DEREG/NOSPID/NOTELIGIBLE/NE_in D5001 20 29 Data accuracy and Settlement accuracy 3 Unpaired SPIDs-SWR 12,807 1,237 12 21 SPIDs stuck in NAPS-WTR 10,971 8,904 9,270 match to SPID 17 SPIDs not contributing to Settlement. Building up a Retailer liability and not recognising Wholesaler revenues. SPIDs cannot switch between Retailers 4 SPIDs stuck in NAPS-SWR 10,277 8,014 8,198 14 Water SPID with Metered SC but no meter 3,137 2,873 2,767 from SQL and MS Access Cf with SPID_EXTRA 16 Data accuracy and Settlement accuracy. Incorrectly representing the Eligible Premise in the Market and not calculating Settleemnts correctly 5 Transactions Meter read Rejections 66,285 Top 10 reasons - Behavioural or Design. DECEMBER-2017 double handling transactions causing delays in processing reads, also contributes to behavioural issues of failure to check rejected reads. Knock on effect on inaccurate Settlement calulations and Settlement Disputes 6 Transaction Rejections 99,096 double handling transactions causing delays in processing updates. Knock on effect on inaccurate Settlement calulations and Settlement Disputes 7 Default Meter XY 92,506 90,650 88,873 X = 82644 and Y = 5186.- ACTIVE METERS Operational impact on meter and switch processing. 17 Meter wholesalers and 12 Outreader wholesalers. May contribute to Retailers inability to find and read meters 8 OUTREADER Defasult XY 30,750 29,177 Meter Read Frequency compliance (B) 9,101 4,189 does not conform to Market Code . (80mm charge size and set to B) 19 23 impact on Retailer read non-compliance if moved back to M. SQL extract 28/11. will affect MPF charges in Retailers if moved back to Monthly 9 Meter Read Frequency compliance (M) 73,318 Review possible (<80mm charge size and set to M) Sewerage SPIDs with no Drainage SC SWD = 4 ; HD = 1 10 SPID VACANCY-WTR 169,356 173,068 176,408 VACANCY by Wholesaler to ID geo trends. Run cross-ref to Long Unead meters 18 22 SQL extract 06/02 11 VACANCY-SWR 192,746 195,817 199,174 13

Workshop – DQ Improvement plans – as at 08/03/2019 Plans and Updates received As at cop 11/02/2018 Responses TP Type 19-Jan NORTHUM-W WHL Row Labels Count of TP 22-Jan PORTSMOUTH-W RTL 5 02-Feb DWYCYMRU-W 7 08-Feb ICOSA2-R Grand Total 12 ANGLIAN-W UNITED-W YORKSHIRE-R BUSSTREAM-R 09-Feb ANGLIAN-R YORKSHIRE-W SOUTHERN-W WATER2BUS-R

Workshop – MOSL items – Meters with Zero YVE As at 05/03/2018 Taken from non-standard extract Count of SERIAL Column Labels   Row Labels CROSSBORDER POTABLE PRIVATETE PRIVATEWATER SEWERAGE Grand Total AFFINITY-W 1 AFFINITY-R 4 ANGLIAN-W 3 ANGLIAN-R 37 2 40 BRISTOL-W 3021 3022 BUSSTREAM-R 3219 8 3227 DWRCYMRU-W 22 CASTLE-R 463 7 471 NORTHUM-W 9 33 CLEARBUS-R NULL 16 85 46 28 83 258 DWRCYMRU-R 20 PEEL-W EVERFLOW-R 70 72 PORTSMOUTH-W FIRSTBW-R SEVERN-W 5560 113 11 5684 GREENEKING-R SOUTHEAST-W 7201 KELDA-R SOUTHERN-W 3145 MARSTONS-R SOUTHSTAFF-W 110 31 142 NORTHUM-R SOUTHWEST-W THAMES-W 438 5 443 PEEL-R UNITED-W 6 23 29 REGENT-R WESSEX-W 62 66 SEVERN-R 5568 104 5683 YORKSHIRE-W 266 30 368 SOUTHEAST-R 6946 19949 253 125 20426 SOUTHWEST-R 129 158 SUTTON-R 35 39 TWRC-R UNITED-R 19 24 WATER2BUS-R 3048 3049 WHITBREAD-R WTRCHOICE-R YORKSHIRE-R 262 67 357

Workshop – MOSL items – Meters with null YVE As at 05/03/2018 Taken from non-standard extract Count of SERIAL Column Labels   Row Labels NONPOTABLE POTABLE Grand Total AFFINITY-W 2 65792 65794 ADSM-R 37 ALBION-W 9 AFFINITY-R 61809 61811 ANGLIAN-W 6183 ALBION-R BRISTOL-W 1335 ANGLIAN-R 9153 CHOLDERTON-W 26 BUSSTREAM-R 1 11176 11177 DEEVALLEY-W 7 CASTLE-R 56675 DWRCYMRU-W 11 12 CHOLDERTON-R INDWATER-W 233 CLEARBUS-R 662 NORTHUM-W 3307 3309 DEEVALLEY-R NULL 8693 8694 DWRCYMRU-R PORTSMOUTH-W 14902 EVERFLOW-R 3292 SEVERN-W 22498 22509 FIRSTBW-R 15 SmokeTestWSL GREENEKING-R 624 SOUTHEAST-W 1167 INDWATER-R SOUTHERN-W 7743 KELDA-R 10 SOUTHSTAFF-W 39887 MARSTONS-R 358 SOUTHWEST-W 76684 76686 NORTHUM-R 3 3737 3740 SSE-W 139 SUTTON-W 12656 PEELWL-R THAMES-W 41131 REGENT-R 29 UNITED-W 57 172376 172433 SEVERN-R 26975 26986 VEOLIA-W 102 SmokeTestRTL WESSEX-W 6274 SOUTHEAST-R 1119 YORKSHIRE-W 132213 132214 SOUTHWEST-R 112563 112565 79 613369 613448 SSE-R 136 SUTTON-R 13060 TWRC-R 168 UNITED-R 55 167794 167849 VEOLIA-R WATER2BUS-R 7807 WHITBREAD-R 345 WTRCHOICE-R 18 YORKSHIRE-R 126723 126724

Workshop – MOSL items – Long Unread Meters - Trend Retailers as at 05/03/2018 Taken from the Standing reports Incorporates Null YVE and Vacancy status Trading Party Number of Long Unread Meters - DEC-17 Number of Long Unread Meters - JAN-18 Number of Long Unread Meters - FEB-18 Number of Long Unread Meters - March-18 Long Unread Meters Monthly Variance Column2 Column3 Long Unread Meters with YVE=NULL - Jan-18 Long Unread Meters with YVE=NULL - FEB-18 Long Unread Meters with YVE=NULL - March-18 Column32 Long Unread Meters with NULL YVE with Vacant Premises (WTR SPID Level) - Feb-18 Long Unread Meters with NULL YVE with Occupied Premises (WTR SPID Level) - Feb-18 Long Unread Meters with NULL YVE with Vacant Premises (WTR SPID Level) - March-18 Long Unread Meters with NULL YVE with Occupied Premises (WTR SPID Level) - March-18 ADSM-R   1 - - 1 AFFINITY-R 8,505 8,515 8,467 8,937 470 8,502 8,437 8,980 4,706 4,274 ALBIONECO-R 3 ALBION-R - 3 ANGLIAN-R 10,213 19,743 27,945 30,641 2,696 958 1,063 1,230 2 1,061 38 1,192 BUSSTREAM-R 12,461 14,137 14,887 15,166 279 3,272 3,603 3,746 3,600 2,022 1,724 CASTLE-R 43,840 56,410 59,524 65,249 5,725 22,860 23,351 24,043 2,692 20,659 15,484 8,559 CHOLDERTON-R 57 23 24 CLEARBUS-R 68 77 87 128 41 29 42 26 9 33 DEEVALLEY-R DWRCYMRU-R 7 8 5 EVERFLOW-R 239 269 296 377 81 80 110 11 76 30 FIRSTBW-R 4 GREENEKING-R 170 214 179 - 35 56 55 54 INDWATER-R 43 60 82 22 85 KELDA-R MARSTONS-R 16 28 19 NORTHUM-R 11,717 12,827 13,232 12,216 - 1,016 1,153 1,246 1,281 359 922 PEEL-R REGENT-R SEVERN-R 25,141 29,283 33,393 34,292 899 8,940 9,503 10,133 6,528 2,975 7,384 2,749 SOUTHEAST-R 1,894 2,039 1,922 1,868 - 54 434 427 413 79 334 SOUTHERN-R 386 507 556 581 25 SOUTHSTAFF-R 4,667 4,682 4,594 SOUTHWEST-R 6,565 6,304 11,210 11,788 578 6,128 10,943 11,530 1,949 9,581 SSE-R 48 50 27 20 SUTTON-R 1,393 1,620 1,858 1,950 92 1,305 1,456 1,417 326 1,091 THAMESCOM-R TWRC-R 15 31 UNITED-R 17,822 18,462 18,886 19,002 116 17,912 18,339 18,715 9,403 8,936 11,257 7,458 WATER2BUS-R 27,304 25,194 21,293 18,982 - 2,311 2,238 1,936 1,555 67 1,488 PEELWL-R VEOLIA-R 6 WHITBREAD-R 84 - 82 37 WTRCHOICE-R YORKSHIRE-R 9,313 9,614 9,698 9,231 - 467 9,233 9,343 8,708 4,324 5,019 4,550 4,158 (blank) 104 176 132 - 44 40 182,000 210,079 223,905 230,965 7,060 87,829 90,021 92,173 22,966 67,055 48,264 43,909 20,886 4,344 25,298 - 23,146 moved to VACANT

Workshop – Additional Items Unpaired trend from non-standard Reports Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Areas of initial investigations into some potentially incorrect attribute content. Unpaired SPIDs as at 05/032018 WATER CPW028 by UU Workaround use T152.W to update D5001 NE_NOSEWERAGE NE_NOWATER, NE_LANDLORD, NE_CROSSBORDER WATER 07-Sep 02-Oct 12-Nov 11-Dec 14-Jan 12-Feb 05-Mar AFFINITY-W 2538 2461 3270 2708 2765 2827 2962 ALBIONECO-W   ANGLIAN-W 33538 33361 33769 33436 33422 33362 4964 BRISTOL-W 10345 9967 10346 10149 10141 10155 CHOLDERTON-W 17 18 7 DEEVALLEY-W DWRCYMRU-W 1 2 ICOSA2-W INDWATER-W 6 4 NORTHUM-W 23137 21899 21969 20729 20573 20536 PEEL-W PORTSMOUTH-W 2250 2134 2683 2234 2207 2212 SEVERN-W 906 863 1156 937 965 982 SOUTHEAST-W 915 1471 1578 1014 1076 1152 1365 SOUTHERN-W 11650 10882 35638 11674 11669 11662 SOUTHSTAFF-W 404 411 463 450 554 606 SOUTHWEST-W 1253 1100 1260 1392 1418 1461 105 SSE-W SUTTON-W 378 334 414 390 396 401 THAMES-W 190 638 1121 193 208 210 3 UNITED-W 664 868 1002 669 667 666 VEOLIA-W WESSEX-W 12 19 25 YORKSHIRE-W 269 317 645 415 480 88,474 86,812 115,586 86,434 86,553 86,754 9414 - 1,662 28,774 - 29,152 119 201 - 77,340 Matching to MDS so SPIDs are TRADABLE or TDISC

Workshop – Additional Items Unpaired trend from non-standard Reports Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Areas of initial investigations into some potentially incorrect attribute content. Unpaired SPIDs as at 05/03/2018 SEWERAGE CPW028 by UU Workaround use T152.W to update D5001 NE_NOSEWERAGE NE_NOWATER, NE_LANDLORD, NE_CROSSBORDER SEWERAGE 07-Sep 02-Oct 12-Nov 11-Dec 14-Jan 12-Feb 05-Mar ALBION-W 1 ANGLIAN-W 1349 1575 1761 1341 1201 1168 422 DEEVALLEY-W   INDWATER-W NORTHUM-W 8168 8234 8696 8139 8114 8112 PEEL-W SEVERN-W 837 784 798 822 846 876 382 SOUTHERN-W 771 1003 3208 803 811 SOUTHWEST-W 10 17 22 8 9 SSE-W 2 3 THAMES-W 566 380 629 785 1508 1596 430 UNITED-W 15 174 237 16 18 WESSEX-W 81 113 132 108 115 123 YORKSHIRE-W 56 82 152 90 85 86 11,857 12,363 15,636 12,115 12,711 12,814 1,237 506 3,273 - 3,521 596 103 - 11,577 Matching to MDS so SPIDs are TRADABLE or TDISC

Workshop – MOSL items – NAPS – WTR and SWR by status As at 05/03/2018 Count of SPID Column Labels   Row Labels NEW PARTIAL REJECTED Grand Total AFFINITY-W 16 100 15 131 AFFINITY-R 221 ALBION-W 1 ALBION-R ANGLIAN-W 233 4522 7 4762 ANGLIAN-R 5620 BRISTOL-W 12 45 57 BUSSTREAM-R 407 ICOSA2-W 46 CASTLE-R 2442 INDWATER-W 4 FIRSTBW-R 2 NORTHUM-W 71 1039 1110 ICOSA2-R PEEL-W INDWATER-R PORTSMOUTH-W 5 123 129 NORTHUM-R 523 SEVERN-W 26 1179 1205 PEEL-R smktestwsl SEVERN-R 1165 SOUTHEAST-W 104 SOUTHEAST-R 103 SOUTHERN-W 52 779 843 SOUTHWEST-R 1052 SOUTHSTAFF-W 65 211 277 SSE-R 47 SOUTHWEST-W 66 1995 2061 SUTTON-R 3651 SSE-W UNITED-R 562 SUTTON-W 36 41 WATER2BUS-R 453 THAMES-W 268 4447 4715 WTRCHOICE-R UNITED-W 50 1093 1144 YORKSHIRE-R 222 VEOLIA-W 3 (blank) 903 43 946 WESSEX-W 22 529 553 16523 17469 YORKSHIRE-W 8 234

Workshop – MOSL items – NAPS – WTR and SWR Trend As at 05/03/2018 Row Labels NOV DEC FEB MAR AFFINITY-W 101 113 165 116 ALBION-W   1 ANGLIAN-W 3,179 3,976 4,465 4755 BRISTOL-W 26 32 38 57 ICOSA2-W 46 INDWATER-W 16 4 NORTHUM-W 904 941 1,045 1110 PEEL-W PORTSMOUTH-W 161 132 128 SEVERN-W 1,076 1,272 1,374 1205 SOUTHEAST-W 35 29 83 104 SOUTHERN-W 911 991 835 831 SOUTHSTAFF-W 142 136 264 276 SOUTHWEST-W 2,005 2,106 2,016 2061 SSE-W 54 42 47 SUTTON-W 34 39 36 41 THAMES-W 4,827 5,368 4,393 4715 UNITED-W 1,027 1,188 1,131 1143 VEOLIA-W 3 WESSEX-W 958 1,044 575 551 YORKSHIRE-W 338 381 258 230 Grand Total 15,640 17,851 16,918 17,425 2,211 - 933 507


Workshop – MOSL items – Transaction Rejections VR Code Count Error description VR.061 14068 The meter read is invalid if: • PEDV > 0 and • CDV > 2 * PEDV and • the Meter Read Type is not Initial Read and • the meter Re-Read flag is not a Re-Read (0) VR.053 10909 The meter read is invalid if: • PEDV <= 0 and • CDV = 0 and • SPID Occupancy Status is not vacant and • the Meter Read Type is not Initial Read and • the meter Re-Read flag is not a Re-Read (0) VR.291 9261 Meter must exist in central system VR.304 6981 Requested occupancy status must be a change to the currently held status VR.393-1 6235 Effective From Date must be either within the current Month or the 2 preceding Months VR.060 5253 The meter read is invalid if: • PEDV > 0 and • CDV < 0.2 * PEDV and • the Meter Read Type is not Initial Read and • the meter Re-Read flag is not a Re-Read (0) VR.056 4892 The meter read is invalid if: • PEDV <= 0 and • CDV > 0 and • the Meter Read Type is not Initial Read and • the meter Re-Read flag is not a Re-Read (0) VR.057 4213 The meter read is invalid if: • PEDV > 0 and • CDV = 0 and • SPID Occupancy Status is not vacant and • the Meter Read Type is not Initial Read and • the meter Re-Read flag is not a Re-Read (0) VR.045 4029 The meter read is invalid if: • the Retailer that submitted the Meter Read is not registered to the SPID and • The Meter Read Type is different than ‘Transfer Read’ VR.043 3965 The meter read is invalid if the ‘Meter Read Type’ is ‘Regular Cyclic Read’ and there is a Meter Read of any Type with the same Meter Read Date December 2017 Top 10

Workshop – MOSL items – T105 Rejections VR_Code Count Error Description VR.061 13781 The meter read is invalid if: • PEDV > 0 and • CDV > 2 * PEDV and • the Meter Read Type is not Initial Read and • the meter Re-Read flag is not a Re-Read (0) VR.053 10672 The meter read is invalid if: • PEDV <= 0 and • CDV = 0 and • SPID Occupancy Status is not vacant and • the Meter Read Type is not Initial Read and • the meter Re-Read flag is not a Re-Read (0) VR.291 8793 Meter must exist in central system VR.060 4970 The meter read is invalid if: • PEDV > 0 and • CDV < 0.2 * PEDV and • the Meter Read Type is not Initial Read and • the meter Re-Read flag is not a Re-Read (0) VR.056 4744 The meter read is invalid if: • PEDV <= 0 and • CDV > 0 and • the Meter Read Type is not Initial Read and • the meter Re-Read flag is not a Re-Read (0) VR.045 4029 The meter read is invalid if: • the Retailer that submitted the Meter Read is not registered to the SPID and • The Meter Read Type is different than ‘Transfer Read’ VR.057 3898 The meter read is invalid if: • PEDV > 0 and • CDV = 0 and • SPID Occupancy Status is not vacant and • the Meter Read Type is not Initial Read and • the meter Re-Read flag is not a Re-Read (0) VR.043 3893 The meter read is invalid if the ‘Meter Read Type’ is ‘Regular Cyclic Read’ and there is a Meter Read of any Type with the same Meter Read Date VR.032 2598 The Meter Read Date must be later or on the date of a previous Meter Read VR.059 1850 The meter read is invalid if: • PEDV > 0 and • CDV <= -3 and • the Meter Read Type is not Initial Read and • the meter Re-Read flag is not a Re-Read (0) December 2017 Top 10

Workshop – Additional Items. Default XY Default XY on Meter As at 05/03/2018 Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Areas of initial investigations into some obviously incorrect attribute content. WHOLESALER 07/09/2017 03/10/2017 12/11/2017 04/12/2017 01/01/2018 12/02/2018 05/03/2018 AFFINITY-W 1106 1105 1100 1,099 1095 63 ANGLIAN-W 17451 17378 8623 8,677 8750 7369 7163 CHOLDERTON-W 26 23 DEEVALLEY-W 19 20 DWRCYMRU-W 2 NORTHUM-W 297 296 295 294 160 54 SEVERN-W 841 840 843 844 845 847 848 SOUTHEAST-W 1520 1523 1516 1,513 1510 1379 1370 SOUTHERN-W 37787 37773 37688 37,685 37694 37669 SOUTHSTAFF-W 1 SOUTHWEST-W 2064 2108 1954 1,872 1473 1259 1261 SSE-W 86 84 82 81 79 66 SUTTON-W 14 9 10 THAMES-W 2576 2640 2864 2,926 3110 3177 3241 UNITED-W 36436 36487 36558 36,596 36630 36709 36597 VEOLIA-W 6 YORKSHIRE-W 981 960 495 502 532 533 142 101,213 101,263 92,082 92,155 91,939 89,228 88,536 50 - 9,181 73 - 216 - 2,711 - 692

Workshop – Additional Items. Default XY Default XY on Outreader As at 05/03/2018 Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Areas of initial investigations into some obviously incorrect attribute content. WHOLESALER 07/09/2017 03/10/2017 12/11/2017 05/12/2017 01/01/2018 12/02/2018 05/03/2018 AFFINITY-W 99 93 92 91 88 ANGLIAN-W 9737 7381 4149 2232 1128 1129 NORTHUM-W 3135 295 296 265 266 SEVERN-W 188 189 SOUTHEAST-W 928 919 913 912 911 840 834 SOUTHSTAFF-W 1 SOUTHWEST-W 3091 3044 3037 3033 2905 2899 SUTTON-W 10 2 THAMES-W 637 660 833 880 1060 1123 1184 UNITED-W 22288 22228 22230 22222 22214 22188 22142 WESSEX-W 55 YORKSHIRE-W 527 538 826 837 862 812 122   40,696 35,404 32,622 30,750 30,786 29,589 28,910 - 5,292 - 2,782 - 1,872 36 - 1,197 - 679

Workshop – Additional Items. Read Frequency Compliance Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Areas of initial investigations into some potentially incorrect attribute content. As at 05/03/2018 Meter read frequency. =>80mm chargeable but set to “B” Row Labels Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 AFFINITY-W 183 185 187 ALBION-W 1 ANGLIAN-W 455 466 471 BRISTOL-W 4 5 DWRCYMRU-W 23 24 29 INDWATER-W   NORTHUM-W 288 290 291 NULL 16 17 PORTSMOUTH-W 67 68 SEVERN-W 225 229 230 SOUTHEAST-W 71 73 SOUTHERN-W 153 162 SOUTHSTAFF-W 215 216 217 SOUTHWEST-W 92 93 SSE-W SUTTON-W 36 37 38 THAMES-W 1469 1477 1478 UNITED-W 5262 5260 279 WESSEX-W YORKSHIRE-W 517 524 525 Grand Total 9101 9149 4189 48 -4960 Row Labels Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 AFFINITY-R 174 166 167 ALBION-R 1 ANGLIAN-R 460 458 461 BUSSTREAM-R 177 197 203 CASTLE-R 1459 1437 1439 CLEARBUS-R 4 6 3 DWRCYMRU-R 22 23 27 EVERFLOW-R 46 59 34 FIRSTBW-R 2   GREENEKING-R INDWATER-R NORTHUM-R 270 268 266 NULL 16 17 REGENT-R SEVERN-R 259 282 283 SOUTHEAST-R 69 67 SOUTHSTAFF-R 204 316 SOUTHWEST-R 96 315 SSE-R SUTTON-R 61 66 TWRC-R UNITED-R 5233 5219 273 WATER2BUS-R 43 42 WHITBREAD-R 26 WTRCHOICE-R YORKSHIRE-R 500 491 485 Grand Total 9101 9149 4189 48 -4960

Workshop – Additional Items. Read Frequency Compliance Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Areas of initial investigations into some potentially incorrect attribute content. As at 05/03/2018 Meter read frequency. >=80mm chargeable but set to “B” Count of ManufacturerMeterSerialNumber Column Labels   Row Labels 80 99 100 125 150 200 250 300 9001 Grand Total AFFINITY-W 141 43 3 187 ALBION-W 1 ANGLIAN-W 349 79 2 37 4 471 BRISTOL-W 5 DWRCYMRU-W 29 INDWATER-W NORTHUM-W 199 82 10 291 NULL 8 17 PORTSMOUTH-W 57 67 SEVERN-W 190 230 SOUTHEAST-W 56 15 73 SOUTHERN-W 144 14 162 SOUTHSTAFF-W 191 23 217 SOUTHWEST-W 9 93 SSE-W SUTTON-W 38 THAMES-W 890 474 7 103 1478 UNITED-W 34 219 11 13 279 WESSEX-W 21 24 YORKSHIRE-W 400 108 525 2797 921 203 4189

Workshop – Additional Items. Read Frequency Compliance As at 05/03/2018 <80mm chargeable but set to “M” Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Areas of initial investigations into some potentially incorrect attribute content. Count of ManufacturerMeterSerialNumber Column Labels   Row Labels 6 10 12 15 20 21 22 25 28 30 32 35 40 42 50 51 54 65 75 Grand Total AFFINITY-W 219 253 512 34 555 629 2247 ALBIONECO-W 1 ANGLIAN-W 81 390 128 204 33 244 344 1424 BRISTOL-W 27629 4035 1368 1465 294 34802 DEEVALLEY-W 2 DWRCYMRU-W 3 24 19 37 7 132 NORTHUM-W 105 144 52 140 55 279 223 13 46 1060 NULL 172 11 112 9 334 PEEL-W 5 PORTSMOUTH-W 153 26 29 36 69 346 SEVERN-W 796 399 826 1049 792 3874 SOUTHEAST-W 386 217 448 385 382 1877 SOUTHERN-W 853 290 275 265 213 1961 SOUTHSTAFF-W 4 99 164 424 SOUTHWEST-W 74 2067 130 369 472 440 115 259 3926 SSE-W SUTTON-W 14 45 71 THAMES-W 3225 639 109 1505 1025 1113 151 73 1610 1865 11348 UNITED-W 175 16 907 465 156 160 2028 WESSEX-W 57 871 530 474 336 2636 YORKSHIRE-W 373 743 657 1010 828 4569 4594 644 355 36632 7873 803 6106 860 79 6922 1095 6532 293 48 73318

Workshop – Additional Items. Meter Read review – Types/Methods Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Areas of initial investigations into some potentially incorrect attribute content. Review of the Read type and Method combinations As at 05/03/2018 Since 01/04/2017 TYPE METHOD Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 C CUSTOMER 26,442 30966 34391 REMOTE 166,458 188278 204160 VISUAL 1,540,331 1741152 1881399 F 11,948 13944 15364 I 19,403 22707 24932 P 3 ESTIMATED 9 332 T 112 150 179 16,165 18473 21787 28 20,162 22416 24545 X 329 365 399 Y 58 72 79 TOTAL   1,801,780 2,038,895 2,207,607

Workshop – Additional Items. Meter Read review – T read Methods Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Areas of initial investigations into some potentially incorrect attribute content. Count of MeterRead Column Labels Row Labels CUSTOMER ESTIMATED REMOTE VISUAL Grand Total ADSM-R   5 36 41 AFFINITY-R 65 416 2 1864 2347 ANGLIAN-R 1 647 1729 2377 BUSSTREAM-R 26 5081 1547 6654 CASTLE-R 811 2234 3048 CLEARBUS-R 18 1230 1248 EVERFLOW-R 5206 2373 7582 FIRSTBW-R 6 16 22 GREENEKING-R 20 648 668 MARSTONS-R 381 470 851 NORTHUM-R 1022 484 1509 REGENT-R 34 56 90 SEVERN-R 4413 7 3683 8104 SOUTHEAST-R 29 383 1327 1739 SOUTHWEST-R 21 946 3615 4582 SUTTON-R 1036 2456 3494 TWRC-R 15 215 11 69 310 UNITED-R 4 WATER2BUS-R 305 722 WHITBREAD-R 427 318 745 WTRCHOICE-R 10 30 131 YORKSHIRE-R 8 13 173 21597 28 24499 46297 Review of the T Read type and Method combinations As at 05/03/2018 Read date > 01/04/2017 Submitted by Retailer and contains multiple submissions

Workshop – Additional Items. Meter Read review – T read Methods Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Areas of initial investigations into some potentially incorrect attribute content. RETAILER Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 ADSM-R 56 41 AFFINITY-R 2,979 2,184 2347 ANGLIAN-R 4,111 1,921 2377 BUSSTREAM-R 7,162 4,512 6654 CASTLE-R 3,911 2,952 3048 CLEARBUS-R 1,409 1,054 1248 DEEVALLEY-R 12   DWRCYMRU-R 6 EVERFLOW-R 7,425 6,863 7582 FIRSTBW-R 4 16 22 GREENEKING-R 1,090 667 668 KELDA-R 1 MARSTONS-R 990 856 851 NORTHUM-R 2,584 1,462 1509 REGENT-R 134 90 SEVERN-R 15,382 7,663 8104 SOUTHEAST-R 4,463 1,620 1739 SOUTHSTAFF-R 4,357 SOUTHWEST-R 2,314 4,515 4582 SSE-R 13 SUTTON-R 4,962 3,409 3494 TWRC-R 500 304 310 UNITED-R 1,202 20 WATER2BUS-R 1,185 689 722 WHITBREAD-R 541 745 WTRCHOICE-R 113 112 131 YORKSHIRE-R 1,640 10 Grand Total 68,005 41,501 46,297 Review of the T Read type and Method combinations As at 05/03/2018 Read date > 01/04/2017 Submitted by Retailer and contains multiple submissions

Workshop – Additional Items. Wholesaler – Vacancy Trend Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Areas of initial investigations into some potentially incorrect attribute content. WATER   HISTORIC TREND Wholesaler Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 AFFINITY-W 9,624 9,640 9,693 9756 ALBIONECO-W ALBION-W 4 1 ANGLIAN-W 7,063 7,470 7,850 8084 BRISTOL-W 726 736 756 722 CHOLDERTON-W DEEVALLEY-W DWRCYMRU-W INDWATER-W NORTHUM-W 15,608 15,809 15,979 15948 PEEL-W PORTSMOUTH-W 1,285 1,321 1349 SEVERN-W 24,469 24,890 25,640 26411 SOUTHEAST-W 4,309 4,348 4,421 4464 SOUTHERN-W 5,713 5,795 5,863 5920 SOUTHSTAFF-W 4,814 4,834 4,837 4842 SOUTHWEST-W 4,811 4,992 5,145 5201 SSE-W SUTTON-W 1,350 1,349 1,415 1413 THAMES-W 32,512 32,632 34,146 35992 UNITED-W 33,780 33,955 34,077 34286 VEOLIA-W 5 WESSEX-W 1,547 1,559 1,567 1525 YORKSHIRE-W 20,062 20,016 20,348 20466 Totals 167,683 169,356 173,068 176,386 1,673 3,712 3,318 Vacancy as at 05/03/2018 SEWERAGE   Wholesaler Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 ALBION-W 7 4 ANGLIAN-W 8,391 8872 9,418 9610 INDWATER-W NORTHUM-W 11,479 11448 11,384 11360 PEEL-W 1 SEVERN-W 32,876 33218 33,964 34775 SOUTHERN-W 7,809 7913 8,042 8157 SOUTHWEST-W 2,702 2782 2,880 2914 SSE-W THAMES-W 42,345 42772 44,278 46136 UNITED-W 64,483 64471 64,228 64484 VEOLIA-W 5 WESSEX-W 2,821 2849 2,875 2817 YORKSHIRE-W 18,444 18407 18,734 18873 Totals 191,364 192746 195,817 199,137 1,382 3,071 3,320

Workshop – Additional Items. Retailer – Vacancy Trend Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Areas of initial investigations into some potentially incorrect attribute content. Vacancy as at 05/03/2018 RETAILER Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 AFFINITY-R   9553 9,594 9644 ALBION-R 4 1 ANGLIAN-R 7283 7,476 7638 BUSSTREAM-R 5776 5,818 5875 CASTLE-R 34539 36,433 38457 CLEARBUS-R 88 104 141 EVERFLOW-R 332 371 423 FIRSTBW-R 3 GREENEKING-R 2 MARSTONS-R 23 22 21 NORTHUM-R 15595 15,733 15651 PEEL-R REGENT-R SEVERN-R 24925 25,668 26435 SOUTHEAST-R 4300 4,367 4404 SOUTHSTAFF-R 4751 SOUTHWEST-R 4698 9,478 9489 SUTTON-R 1562 1,628 1629 TWRC-R UNITED-R 33752 33,841 34029 VEOLIA-R 5 WATER2BUS-R 2252 2,265 2176 WHITBREAD-R 9 WTRCHOICE-R YORKSHIRE-R 19909 20,241 20345 Grand Total 169,356 173,068 176,386 3,712 3,318 RETAILER Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 AFFINITY-R   98 100 107 ALBION-R 7 4 ANGLIAN-R 8768 9,185 9308 BUSSTREAM-R 7833 7,920 8034 CASTLE-R 42723 44,435 46375 CLEARBUS-R 95 103 140 EVERFLOW-R 333 368 412 FIRSTBW-R 1 2 GREENEKING-R 3 MARSTONS-R 19 18 NORTHUM-R 11344 11,266 11221 PEEL-R REGENT-R SEVERN-R 33194 33,936 34736 SOUTHEAST-R 16 SOUTHSTAFF-R 2,758 SOUTHWEST-R 2695 2776 SSE-R 305 SUTTON-R 279 311 TWRC-R 63,941 UNITED-R 64215 5 64161 VEOLIA-R 2,802 WATER2BUS-R 2790 9 2733 WHITBREAD-R YORKSHIRE-R 18304 18755 (blank) 18,630 Grand Total 192746 195,817 199137 3,071 3,320

Workshop – Additional Items. Meter Review – SPID Version Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Termination of incremented SPIDs. Rebuild of the SPID pars if needed Count of SPID Column Labels   Row Labels DEREG NEW PARTIAL TRADABLE Grand Total ANGLIAN-W 1 3 SOUTHERN-W 2 SSE-W THAMES-W UNITED-W 17 103 58 179 WESSEX-W YORKSHIRE-W 12 18 105 76 200 ANGLIAN-R BUSSTREAM-R CASTLE-R CLEARBUS-R EVERFLOW-R PEELWL-R SSE-R UNITED-R 15 54 172 WATER2BUS-R YORKSHIRE-R 11 (blank) Data extracted to Sites

Workshop – Additional Items. Meter Review – Disappearing SPIDs Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market CGI to remove ETD on records to resurrect Active records. Update applied Count of SPID Column Labels   Row Labels NEW PARTIAL Grand Total ANGLIAN-W 3 BRISTOL-W 2 NORTHUM-W 1 PORTSMOUTH-W SOUTHERN-W SSE-W 7 YORKSHIRE-W 5 13 18 ANGLIAN-R BUSSTREAM-R CASTLE-R NORTHUM-R SSE-R WATER2BUS-R YORKSHIRE-R

Workshop – Additional Items. Meter Review – Postcode changes Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Invalid or Null – to be updated by TP. SPIDs   PREMISES Meters DPIDs Retailer Invalid Null Invalid Sewerage Invalid Water ADSM-R 6 ANGLIAN-R 16 AFFINITY-R 203 1035 4 2 BUSSTREAM-R 5 ALBION-R 1 4179 CASTLE-R 664 9916 ALBIONECO-R 84 EVERFLOW-R 374 3867 1862 4677 4894 NORTHUM-R 3828 22834 107 137 38 SEVERN-R CLEARBUS-R 55 35 2477 5798 MARSTONS-R SOUTHEAST-R DEEVALLEY-R CHOLDERTON-R 11 SOUTHWEST-R DWRCYMRU-R 7 46 UNITED-R 22 53 93 61 YORKSHIRE-R 23 GREENEKING-R 17 SOUTHERN-R 82 INDWATER-R 45 70 3 SSE-R 32 247 1511 42 44 SUTTON-R PEEL-R TWRC-R PEELWL-R 209 181 56 1275 1235 VEOLIA-R 480 255 REGENT-R WATER2BUS-R 54 765 494 WTRCHOICE-R SOUTHSTAFF-R 544 49 20 72 185 178 2160 9731 40 43 13 3954 75 73 71 1199 1368 9 15 598 3304 1085 2579 1113 4764 <<null>> 2512 106 10895 59025 139 214 77 6933 14612 Update applied 05/03/2018

Workshop – Additional Items. Meter Review – Postcode invalid Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Unprintable – to be updated by TP. Meter - WHL Billing Address - RTL Premises - WHL as at 06/03/2018 Row Labels Count of Meter Serial Number AFFINITY-W 2 ANGLIAN-W 3667 BRISTOL-W 53 INDWATER-W 19 NORTHUM-W 3 SEVERN-W 209 SOUTHEAST-W 79 SOUTHERN-W 50 SOUTHSTAFF-W 1 SOUTHWEST-W 58 SSE-W 31 THAMES-W 4627 UNITED-W 56 VEOLIA-W WESSEX-W 5 YORKSHIRE-W 169 Grand Total 9030 Row Labels Count of SPID ADSM-R 6 AFFINITY-R 117 ANGLIAN-R 616 BUSSTREAM-R 366 CASTLE-R 3531 CLEARBUS-R 61 DEEVALLEY-R 4 DWRCYMRU-R 7 EVERFLOW-R 40 INDWATER-R 16 MARSTONS-R 3 NORTHUM-R 234 SEVERN-R 1033 SOUTHEAST-R 490 SOUTHERN-R 2 SOUTHWEST-R 202 SSE-R SUTTON-R 10 UNITED-R 1176 WATER2BUS-R 65 WTRCHOICE-R YORKSHIRE-R 1103 Grand Total 9125 Row Labels Count of SPID AFFINITY-W 4 ANGLIAN-W 4926 BRISTOL-W 96 INDWATER-W 104 NORTHUM-W 339 PORTSMOUTH-W 28 SEVERN-W 867 SOUTHEAST-W SOUTHERN-W 188 SOUTHSTAFF-W 1 SOUTHWEST-W 75 SSE-W 76 SUTTON-W THAMES-W 6310 UNITED-W 2861 VEOLIA-W 2 WESSEX-W 14 YORKSHIRE-W 267 Grand Total 16255 DPID - WHL Row Labels Count of SPID ANGLIAN-W 8 NORTHUM-W 1 SOUTHERN-W 5 THAMES-W 2 UNITED-W 15 YORKSHIRE-W 13 (blank)   Grand Total 44

Workshop – Additional Items. Meter Review – Postcode NULL Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Unprintable – to be updated by TP. Meter - WHL Billing Address - RTL Premises - WHL as at 06/03/2018 Row Labels Count of SPID AFFINITY-R 1130 ALBION-R 2 ANGLIAN-R 11557 BUSSTREAM-R 4486 CASTLE-R 24022 CLEARBUS-R 51 DWRCYMRU-R 1 EVERFLOW-R 123 FIRSTBW-R GREENEKING-R 17 ICOSA2-R 46 INDWATER-R 79 MARSTONS-R 7 MOSLTEST-R 270 NORTHUM-R 1583 PEEL-R PEELWL-R SEVERN-R 1318 SmokeTestRTL 68 SOUTHEAST-R 320 SOUTHWEST-R 2314 SSE-R 43 SUTTON-R 4695 TWRC-R 6 UNITED-R 1316 WATER2BUS-R 3164 WHITBREAD-R 32 WTRCHOICE-R YORKSHIRE-R 5029 (blank) 1531 Grand Total 63216 Row Labels Count of SPID ANGLIAN-W 5 SEVERN-W 7 SOUTHERN-W 1 WESSEX-W 2 (blank)   Grand Total 15 Row Labels Count of Meter Serial Number SEVERN-W 1 UNITED-W YORKSHIRE-W Grand Total 3 DPID - WHL Row Labels Count of DPID UNITED-W 1 Grand Total

Workshop – Additional Items. Meter Review – Postcode changes Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Valid Target identified – to be updated by CGI script. Update applied 05/03/2018   Entity Valid Target SPIDs 2,674,231

Additional areas for redevelopment Peek/Dequeue and pro-active messaging Redesign the LVI process to merge positive Notification messaging and simplifying the LVI user’s experience of the Peek/Dequeue Alternative mechanism to facilitate GUI Peek/Dequeue process MOSL will automatically PEEK/DEQUEUE on behalf of the LVI TP MOSL will generate a Notifications email message three times per day TP can link to the Data Portal and download the Notification details Medium Volume Interface MOSL will develop a spreadsheet based upload for submission of batches of transactions Phase I to provide the upload and download pf results – pilot in March with T105.R Phase II to provide a pre-processing validation of expected results to enable TP to resolve before Upload and subsequent download of results.

PRD Transactions processed Month TP MOSL TOTAL TP % MOSL % as at date OCTOBER 344774 626090 970864 36% 64% 31-Oct NOVEMBER 374480 710665 1085145 35% 65% 30-Nov DECEMBER 438677 842186 1280863 34% 66% 31-Dec JANUARY 569898 1064676 1634574 31-Jan FEBRUARY 668917 1215617 1884534 28-Feb MARCH 852187 2077993 2930180 29% 71% 30-Mar APRIL 443591 1143124 1586715 28% 72% 30-Apr MAY 480200 1165811 1646011 31-May JUNE 559605 1527975 2087580 27% 73% 29-Jun JULY 702483 1750741 2453224 31-Jul AUGUST 782880 1977853 2760733 31-Aug SEPTEMBER 689879 1676824 2366703 30-Sep 592382 1548034 2140416 541072 1573118 2114190 26% 74% 414597 1110347 1524944 476496 1478181 1954677 24% 76% 509594 1329755 1839349 77076 233308 310384 25% 75% 06-Mar As at 06/03/2018

PRD Transactions processed

ORWG, User Group, DSC, MIMP ORWG and User Group will continue as a sub-groups governed by a new initiative User Group – Teresa Gibb standing down as chair. Requires alternative chair to volunteer, volunteers will be requested by Teresa. Invitations to future ORWG meetings are in the calendar as follows:- Meetings April, May, June, venues TBC
