Explaining the Methodology : steps to take and content to include
Preparatory steps to Write a Chapter Methodology & research design suggestions (research perspective, analyzed your skills, the resources available, the nature of the problems) Review records Review results
Style in writing (objective) Avoid making unsupported judgment, sweeping generalizations and extreme statements (p. 186). Do not depend only on specific data and do not noting just the facts as it recorded. In achieving specificity and objectivity, it helpful to present data in table form.
Determine the content of the chapter This will vary with the methods you have used an the steps you have taken. Most descriptions of methodology will include : The general research perspective and research type; the research context, including a specification of time and place; the research participants; the instruments used in data collection; the procedures used in collecting the data; and the way you analyzed the data.
Developing an Outline Outline pattern commonly found in dissertation USE HEADINGS Developing an Outline Outline pattern commonly found in dissertation Logical order organizing the content in terms relationships of the concepts (p.188). Chronological Order discussing the steps in the order in which they were taken. Research-Question order in relation to the research questions answered (p.189). Research-Methods Order in relation to the research methods (sections identified : observation methods, interview methods and survey methods). Common elements the general perspective and the research context.
Describe the context Enable other researchers and readers to better understand the findings Decide aspects specialness of the research context Use the aspects (list) as guidelines to decide what to include Give fictitious names for the entities preserve confidentiality Indicate the time period for the study (e.g. The research activities covered a two-month period from ..to…)
Identify the subjects Identify the Subjects (quantitative) or Participants (qualitative) Provide the specific information the reader will need to understand the study (table or detailed descriptions) In quantitative studies, the reader will expect to find details about the selection process.
Identify the instrument Identify the Instruments Used to Collect Data Using an existing instrument report validity and reliability Using other instrument by permission include the appendix of the permission letter. Develop your own instrument explain how it developed (validity and reliability) and result obtained. Include copies of any instruments developed in the appendix Observation instruments ; observation forms, guidelines. Interviews : interview protocols (questions), recording devices, guidelines. Surveys ; survey forms and survey directions Document Analysis : Guidelines, Criteria Tests and Measurements : Tests used, performance assessment tasks, measurement guidelines.
Explain the procedures Explain the procedures used in carrying out the design in a Step by step manner e.g An action research study of a team, procedures are reported under two main headings: Procedures the team used in solving the problem step by step within the team Procedures the researcher used in studying the team’s process step by step within the research (including the team’s process) Purpose of explaining : Enables other researchers to replicate the study. Enables potential consumers to determine if your findings can be trusted.
Explain how the data were analyzed How the data is reduced (step by step) e.g Data interview How the reduced data will be reported (raw data, percentages, mean, median, standardized scores) and displayed (narrative text, matrix, tables, graphs, charts, other figures). How the data analyzed to determine the meaning quantitative (statistical test and procedures used), qualitative ( interpreting the data).
Write a SUMMARY points out the key features of the methodology and looks ahead to the next chapter. e.g This chapter has explained the methods used in this qualitative study of one village’s attempt to use crisis management planning. The next chapter presents the results obtained with those methods.
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