Met Ocean DWG Progress report Met Ocean WMS 1.3 Best Practices 87th OGC Technical Committee Mumbai, India Marie-Francoise Voidrot, Chris Little Co chairs Met Ocean DWG 2nd December 2013 Copyright © 2013 Open Geospatial Consortium
Copyright © 2012 Open Geospatial Consortium Background The Met Ocean DWG has been created in March 2009 to provide an open forum for work on meteorological data interoperability First focus on WMS issues and Modelling to set foundations to the works Copyright © 2012 Open Geospatial Consortium
Activities Communicate towards OGC Standard Working Groups Communicate towards the Met Ocean Community Modelling activities WMS best practices Interoperability experiments (« to test solutions in reality ») Defining priorities of activities
WMS 1.3 interoperability issues Sept 2009 : 10 issues : Time handling (12 times) Bounding Box, Anti-Meridian, poles & Southern Hemisphere, Projections (6 times) Vertical coordinates (5 times) Metadata, search and filtering (4 times) Performance (4 times) Asynchronous and dynamic delivery (3 times) Styling (3 times) Security (2 times) Integration with other systems, such as WCS, GRIB, OpenDap (2 times) Cross section description (1 time) A first proposal of Met Ocean Best Practices for WMS 1.3 focussing on Time and Vertical coordinates handling
Met Ocean Best Practices for WMS 1.3 Document provided in the pending documents and on the twiki : Submitted in Seoul TC (december 2012) , reviewed to integrate 52 change requests, Updated doc submitted to MODWG vote to conclude the formal OGC process Synthesis of a collaborative consensual work Editors : Marie-Françoise Voidrot, France, Meteo-France Chris Little, UK, Met Offi ce Jürgen Seib, GE, DWD Roy Ladner, US, COMNAVMETOCCOM Adrian Custer , non affiliated Jeff de La Beaujardière, US, NOAA Stephan Siemen, ECMWF 5
Document content 1.Introduction 2.Scope 3.References 4.Terms and Definitions 5. Conventions 6 Requirements 6.1 Time Independent Data 6.2 Time dependent Data 6.2.1 TIME axis 6.2.2 REFERENCE_TIME axis 6.3 No Vertical dependency 6.4 Elevation dependent Data 6.4.1 ELEVATION axis using numeric values 6.4.2 : ELEVATION axis using named surfaces Annex A: Dimensions and Coordinates Annex B: GetFeature Info Annex C: Summary of the Best Practice Impacts on WMS1.3 Implementations