CTS Language Link Step 1: Call +1-800-535-9250 Step 2: Provide the Call Center Service Representative with: Account Number 13370 Language (s) needed Your Name School Name Four digit school code A wonderful resource for telephone calls or short conferences!
Using CTS Language Link When to use Language Link When NOT to use Language Link Front office walk-in’s Nurse’s office Appointment confirmations Parent/Teacher conferences that are 20 minutes or less Parent messages from school staff Emergency situations Assessments IEP/504 meetings Sensitive counseling information
Hourly Interpreter or Bilingual Facilitator Hourly Interpreters Bilingual Facilitators Registrations Parent/Teacher Conferences IEP Meetings Before/After School Programs (ceremonies, graduations, plays…etc.) Registrations Parent/Teacher Conferences 504 Meetings School Translations Cultural Brokers Initial communication between school and home
How to Request an Hourly Interpreter Hourly interpreters can be requested through the online scheduling system called Fluency. Fluency access is obtained by attending a “Requesting and Utilizing AACPS Interpreter Services,” held monthly; please sign up on ERO.