Asia Pacific Carbon Forum Towards 1


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Presentation transcript:

Asia Pacific Carbon Forum Towards 1 Asia Pacific Carbon Forum Towards 1.5°C – Enhancing Transparency of Action and Support 13 Dec 2017 The transparency framework of support received by Natthanich Asvapoositkul Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning

APA item 5 Informal note by the co-facilitators F. Information on financial, technology transfer and capacity-building support needed and received under Articles 9–11 of the Paris Agreement F.4. Information on financial support needed by developing country Parties under Article 9 F.5. Information on financial support received by developing country Parties under Article 9 F.6. Information on technology development and transfer support needed by developing country Parties under Article 10 F.7. Information on technology development and transfer support received by developing Parties under Article 10 F.8. Information on capacity-building support needed by developing country Parties under Article 11 F.9. Information on capacity-building support received by developing country Parties under Article 11 F.10. Information on support needed and received by developing country Parties for implementation of Article 13 and transparency related activities F.11. Information on support needed and received by developing country Parties for the building of transparency-related capacity

APA item 5 Informal note by the co-facilitators Provide clarity and commensurability on support needed and received under Articles 4, 7, 9, 10 and 11 of the Paris Agreement. Balance between mitigation and adaptation support, in the context of Articles 9.4 and 10.6, and how to achieve it. Avoid duplication and double counting Support should be needs based, provided on the basis of developing country needs and priorities in line with NDCs, NAPs, NAPAs, adaptation processes, TNAs, etc.

Lesson learn Objective: The Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review (CPEIR) Objective: To review public spending on activities that are related to climate change, and to assess the extent to which this expenditure is supported by existing policy and institutional responsibilities. To generate recommendations to improve climate relevant public expenditure in the future.

PCEIR Three core aspects of national funding on climate change actions are explored: An assessment of current policy priorities and strategies as these related to climate change A review of institutional arrangement for promoting the integration of climate change policy priorities into budgeting and expenditure management; A review of the integration of climate change objectives within the budgeting process, including as part of budget planning, implementation, expenditure management and financing.

Key Ministries – Share of Climate Budget 2009-2011

Aggregated Climate Budget 2009-2011 in 4 categories

Thank you