What about the First Nation, Metis and Inuit Peoples Needs?
The BNA Act The Aboriginal peoples were not consulted at Confederation in 1867 The BNA Act, which was Canada’s original constitution did not acknowledge the rights of Aboriginal peoples
How did the BNA Act affect the Aboriginal People of Canada? Made First Nations the responsibility of the government Did not acknowledge First Nations as sovereign peoples with their own form of government Did not mention Inuit or Metis at all
What are some of the challenges to the participation of First Nations in Canada’s Federal Political System? See page 44 (in groups)
Hand out Bill C-19 worksheet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESqd14G0ry4
Bill C-19 https://lop.parl.ca/About/Parliament/LegislativeSummaries/bills_ls.asp?Language=E&ls=C19&Parl=39&Ses=1&source=library_prb#bthestreet Worksheet After reading Bill C-19 on page 45, what is the judiciary branches interpretation of the bill in the province of Ontario? Why is there so much controversy concerning the interpretation of this law?
Design Your Own Bill Working with 3-4 people, brainstorm ideas for a new law. Your law will be marked on practicality and logic. Use the following questions to help you organize your thoughts: - Why is your proposed law needed? - How would it improve the quality of life of Canadians? - What groups might support it? What group might oppose it?
House of Commons session: Monday, September 18, 2017 In groups of 3-4, you will present a Bill that you feel is a benefit to Canadians and that should be adopted as a Law to be interpreted in the Judicial Branch of the Federal Government. You will hand in a written response with the following: *A rationale regarding why you feel your bill is important *Two paragraphs outlining your two best arguments for the bill Two paragraphs outlining the best two arguments against your bill *You should use as many examples to support your position and include sources if need be. Once complete, your group will present the bill to the House of Commons where at the completion there will be a 5 minute question period and a vote to whether the bill will be passed to the Senate. House of Commons session: Monday, September 18, 2017