Buttons the Clown v. Bank of Republic
Class Period: Judge: J.T. Justice-Mr. Muenker Lawyer 1 for Plaintiff: Lawyer 2 for Plaintiff: Lawyer 1 for Defendant: Lawyer 2 for Defendant: S.B. Moneysworth CEO of Bank of Republic (Plaintiff): Buttons the Clown (Defendant): Total Jurors 12-?: Selected Jurors 1-12: J. Proprietor Witness 1: M. Seesalot Witness 2: Bailiff 1: Bailiff 2: Detective Jacobs: ROLES
On March 3, 2013 the Freedom Branch of the Bank of Republic was broken into at 8:42 am by a criminal with a gun dressed in a clown suit. A total of $546,002 was stolen. Video surveillance shows the clown leaving with an common Nike bag. Four days later, the Freedom County Police Department Detective Jacobs received an anonymous call with nothing more than an address. The detective went to Judge Justice for a warrant to search but was denied because there was not enough evidence. While randomly walking by the apartment by coincidence later that week, Detective Jacobs fell into the door of the address and since he was already in there, he searched the house and found a Nike bag with a $450,000 in it. He left looking for more evidence and later found a very rare shoe print was discovered in the mud near the site of the crime. After visiting J. Proprietors shoe store he discovered that it was a very rare clown shoe that had been purchased by 3 people ever. One person was Buttons the Clown, the person who lived in the apartment. Detective Jacobs went to the Freedom County Circus and arrested the person who lived in the house, Buttons the Clown. BACKGROUND STORY
Detective Jacobs argues that he stumbled onto the bag on accident and since he found it, he had probable cause on his side to continue looking for evidence. He states the bag of money that was seen on the security camera plus the rare shoe print and mud on the right shoe of Buttons, and the fact that the criminal was dressed as a clown proves he is guilty. Buttons the Clown argues that the shoes were purchased for work and the rain storm the night before caused the muddy shoes. He says the bag with money doesnt prove anything other than he was saving money for himself to go on vacation. He says he doesnt trust banks. He says the bag is a common brand and there is no real proof to show he is guilty. Mary Seesalot testifies she was with Buttons the morning of the robbery having breakfast. Mary Seesalot is rumored to be involved in a romantic relationship with Buttons. If convicted of the crime he is accused of, Armed Robbery, Buttons the Clown will face a potential jail sentence of years depending on the jurys recommendation. BACKGROUND STORY 2
Given the facts from this story, and the evidence everyone will be given we will conduct a trial. The legal team and the plaintiff will try to prove the defendant is guilty. The legal team and the defendant will try to prove the defendent did not do it. They will try to prove its likely or at least possible someone else committed the crime and as a result the defendant should not go to jail since there isnt enough proof. The jury will determine whether the defendant is guilty or not. In order to be tried as guilty, a minimum of 7 of the 12 jurors must state the defendant is guilty. Bailiffs will make sure there is no riffraff in the court room. The witnesses will testify their stories to help the court decide. Feel free to make up facts or stories as long as they do not contradict what was established at the beginning of this activity. You may refer to the Bill of Rights (hint-there are some things being violated in there) THE ASSIGNMENT
When people are registered citizens of a county they are often called upon for jury duty. A large amount of citizens are often called so the lawyers for both sides can take turns eliminating jurors they feel would be unfair to their clients. The lawyers eliminate jurors until there are only 12 remaining jurors. The lawyers may ask questions to the general selection of jurors to rule them out or ask individual jurors. For this activity, each legal team can only ask 5 total questions to determine who will serve on the jury. The questions can be to the whole group of jurors or to specific jurors. After each legal team has asked 5 questions, (10 total) each legal team will take turns picking jurors to use, one at a time until there is a jury of 12. If a potential juror is dismissed, they are to sit with the rest of the general public and witness the trial. JURY SELECTION (10 MINUTES) VOIR DIRE
The lawyers should develop a plan on what kind of questions to ask the jurors. Sample questions include: 1.Do you know any of the people involved in the case, if so, who? 2.Have you ever worked in a bank or a circus? 3.Have you ever been wrongly accused of a crime? 4.Have you ever been robbed? 5.Has anyone in this group ever been to jail? ROLE CARDS: LAWYER (BOTH SIDES) JURY SELECTION
You will be expected to do the following: 1.Select the jury 2.Make a 30 second-1 minute speech called an Opening Statement given at the beginning of the trial stating what you are going to prove and how you are going to prove it. Try to win the jury over on your side early. 3.Review the evidence and construct an argument explaining why Buttons is guilty. 4.Think of questions to ask the witnesses to help your side. 5.Make a 30 second-1 minute speech called a Closing Statement given at the end of the trial stating why Buttons is guilty. ROLE CARDS: LAWYER PLAINTIFF
Hints: I would use the following points to convince the jury your side is right. 1.The bag that was found in Buttons room matches the security camera footage and had a significant amount of money in it. 2.Buttons had access to clown costumes as he is a clown for a living. 3.Buttons was rumored to need a lot of money because rumors were going around that he would be fired. 4.Buttons owns the shoes that created the shoe print outside of the bank. They are very rare. There was mud found on them. The footprint taken at the scene of the crime was in mud. 5.The testimony from Ms. Seesalot shouldnt be taken seriously as she is very close with the defendant and would lie to protect him. ROLE CARDS: LAWYER PLAINTIFF STRATEGY
You will be expected to do the following: 1.Select the jury 2.Make a 30 second-1 minute speech called an Opening Statement given at the beginning of the trial stating what you are going to prove and how you are going to prove it. Try to win the jury over on your side early. 3.Review the evidence and construct an argument explaining why Buttons is not guilty or at least that there isnt enough legal evidence to convict him. 4.Think of questions to ask the witnesses to help your side. 5.Make a 30 second-1 minute speech called a Closing Statement given at the end of the trial stating why Buttons is innocent. ROLE CARDS: LAWYER DEFENDANT
Hints: I would use the following points to convince the jury your side is right. 1.The bag that was found in Buttons room was found illegally. The detective didnt have a right to be in the room and was breaking the law. 2.Many people had access to clown costumes and shoes. The circus is in town after all. 3.You have Ms. Seesalot testifying you were with her the morning of the robbery. The rumors of your involvement are just rumors and cant be used in court without evidence. 4.While the shoes are rare, there are others who own the shoes so they dont necessarily mean he is guilty. ROLE CARDS: LAWYER DEFENDANT STRATEGY
Invent a short background story for yourself. You may or may not be selected for the trial based on the way you can answer such questions as: 1.Do you know any of the people involved in the case, if so, who? 2.Have you ever worked in a bank or a circus? 3.Have you ever been wrongly accused of a crime? 4.Have you ever been robbed? 5.Has anyone in this group ever been to jail? Remember, the lawyers for the defendant will not want to select a juror who will be unfair to their client but at the same time the lawyers for the plaintiff might pick their jurors based on the exact opposite. It is your job balance your story on whether on the questions above. ROLE CARDS: JURORS JURY SELECTION
If selected, jurors are expected to listen to all of the arguments and evidence and determine if the evidence presented in fact proves Buttons the Clown committed the crime. After closing statements are made, the jurors will sit at a table and argue with each other for a period of 5-7 minutes and try to convince the other jurors of their side. At the end of the 5-7 minutes they will write their decisions on a piece of paper and the judge will present them to the court. ROLE CARDS: JURORS TRIAL
No one knows for sure but you are involved in a romantic relationship with Buttons the Clown. You want to protect him from going to jail because you care about him. You told him you needed a lot of money to help pay for your mothers medical bills and he said hed help you but you dont know if he stole the money or not. You were not with him at the time of the robbery but want to protect him from going to jail. You asked him what he was really doing and he wont tell you. Keep all of this information secret. The only people you should tell are Mr. Buttons Lawyers. ROLE CARDS: MARY SEESALOT
You own a shoe store and a specialty circus supply store. You are doing well with your company because you are the only one who sells circus supplies and the circus and its workers frequently purchase products from you. The shoes that created the shoe print are in fact very rare and do match the shoe you sold to Buttons. Three other pairs have been sold but you were on vacation when they were sold so you dont know who purchased them. You dont care a lot about this case but have been called on as an expert because of your job. You believe in justice but also dont want to lose your business with the circus. ROLE CARDS: J. PROPRIETOR
Your job is to make sure no one is talking during court. You can yell at them when they speak. You make sure nothing is going wrong during the trial and everyone is listening to the judge. If you need to remove a member of the court for being too unruly you must ask the judge then if granted permission you can escort the people to a separate section. ROLE CARDS: BAILIFF
Very rare shoe that must be ordered from J. Proprietors store. Matches the footprint in the Exhibit B-The Photograph EXHIBIT A: CLOWN SHOE OWNED BY BUTTONS
Matches the rare shoe taken out of Buttons house. Very rare shoe that can only be purchased at J. Proprietors store. EXHIBIT B: PHOTOGRAPH OF SHOE PRINT
This is a statement written by Buttons The morning of the robbery I was with Mary Seesalot. We work together. I am obviously a clown and she is a trapeze artist. We had a late night at work on 3/2 because our new show would begin on 3/8. We met up that morning for breakfast and then went to train for our circus show. I have no reason to steal money from a bank. I have a job. I work for the circus as we have already discussed. I have no idea why I have been arrested. I heard about the robbery the next night on the news. I understand I have some rare shoes but I am a clown dude, its my job. Its not like Im the only one in the world to have those shoes. Also, you know Nike makes like a bazillion of those bags right? I keep my money in mine because I dont trust banks. I never thought money was safe in them. Pretty funny now huh? I should never have been arrested but I just want this all to be over with so I can get on with my life. EXHIBIT C: AFFIDAVIT OF ACCUSED
I know he did it. It doesnt matter how the detective got his evidence. He got the evidence. I am tired of people in this country thinking they can just rob the rich because they are rich. If word gets out that my banks arent secure people will stop using them and Ill lose all of my money. I need to make an example out of this Bubbles guy. Hes going to jail for a long time. Ill do anything to make sure of that. EXHIBIT D: AFFIDAVIT OF SB MONEYSWORTH